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Under a spell. your hypnotised

Damon's POV

Elle is addicted to coke

We need to help her

I need to help her

"Morning boys" Elle said getting up

"Morning love. Morning Elle. Morning" they all said

"Alright Elle" I said

"How are you today love" I asked

"Honestly, fucking terrible" she replied

"Why's that" Alex asked

"Rough night" she lied

Alex smirked

Dirty minded little freak

She's a pretty good liar

If I didn't find out last night I'd probably never know she was lying

Elles POV

Damon's gonna help me get through thus

I know he is

I'm feeling so shitty now though

"Ready to go?" Dave asked

"I'm in Pyjamas" I said

"It's fine get dressed in the bus' Alex said

"Okay, let's hit the road" I said

We got in the bus and j headed to the bathroom

"Oi, I'm coming in with you"

It was Damon

"What" I exclaimed

"I need a piss and I just wanna make sure you don't, ya know" he said

"Okay well turn around when I change and piss first" I said

It was a tiny bathroom

No shower

Just a sink and a toilet

"Love" Damon said

I must've been daydreaming

"Oh sorry" I said turning around

We were practically back to back

"Alright love get dressed then" Damon said

"Turn around then" I said

"There's no need" he said

"I just want to make sure your not doing drugs, and remember love I'm with Katie" he said

So I took my top off but told Damon to turn around

Stupid me didn't see the mirror on the wall he was facing

I reached Into my Jean pocket and pulled out the bag of drugs

"Look love, I know it's hard but it's like your.... under a spell. Your hypnotised" he said

An- hello. Haven't updated in 2 days so here is a very short chapter :). Love you all <3 x

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