Bubble gum

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Sorry I didn't kiss you

Noelles POV

I woke up

Arms around me

But who's?


He must've stayed after I broke down

"Graham" I said poking him to wake him up

"Oh, good morning love. How are you?" He asked me


Again simple but sweet

"Oh I forgot to give this to you last night" he said handing me a bag

"Oh I forgot to give this to you last night" he said handing me a bag

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"Aw thanks Graham. You didn't need to" i said.

"Honestly you deserve it" he said

"Anyways. I think we're going out tonight. To celebrate the release of  parklife" he said

"Oh Graham I don't know if I'm going to be able to face Katie and Damon" I said disappointed

"Look, i know you like Damon and everything but just tonight forget about them. Go with Alex. I've got a date" he said smiling

Why did that hurt me?

"Oh, who is the lucky lady?" I asked

"You'll meet her later, she already loves you and I think you'll like her too" he said

Yeah, sure

"Anyways I'll go now. See you later love." He said giving me a kiss on my forehead

"Bye gray" I said

And with that he was gone

God all my life has been is party's

After this I think I'm gonna have to give it a break

I decided to have a shower and wash my hair and start getting ready for the party now.

It was already 3pm and I didn't even know what time it was starting

But Alex was gonna pick me up because he was my "date" according to Graham

This is what I got dressed into

This is what I got dressed into

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