Puppy princess

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Kiss me, kiss me with your eyes closed

Elles POV

Today's been hard

I've had to fight the urge to take drugs and

I'm struggling

But Damon's helping me

He's making sure I don't

And to be honest I'm liking his company

We got to our first hotel and were going to wait to pick up Graham later

He's not been answering my calls

"Hey damon"

"Yes love"

"Has Graham been answering your calls?" I asked

"Yes, he has... why love?" He questioned

"He's not answering mine, I wonder why"

"I'm sure it's nothing" he reassured me

"Yeah, nothing"

"Anyways, what time are we getting to the hotel" I asked

Just then john (the bus driver came out and said...)

"We're here"

"Around now" Damon said

Sometimes I forget I'm their manager

"Booked for Albarn" Damon said to the lady at the front desk

"Ah yes, room for two, number 505. I'm guessing you two will be having fun this weekend" she said

"Oh no, we're actually in a band, there's 3 other people staying with us" I smiled

"Oh okay" she smirked

"Let's go shall we" Damon said Alex and Dave following

We walked into our room and there was a suitcase already on the bed

"I thought we were picking Graham up" Alex said

"We were" I said

"He must be in the bathroom, Elle go check cause well, you've already seen him nude" Alex said

"Like you haven't" Damon said

I laughed at his comment and walked into the bathroom surprised at what I saw

Graham and this girl kissing

I was so shocked words didn't even come out my mouth

I just stood there

About 10 seconds later u snapped and grabbed the girl by her hair and dragged her out of that bathroom and started to throw punches at her

Course that wasn't the right decision because as soon as Alex opened the room door the paparazzi were standing out side and ready to make headlines

I pushed her out of the room and slammed the door shut,, avoiding being questioned but the paps

"I'm gonna book another room for tonight" I told Damon

"No,, your not. Graham is" he said

"Gra go book another room" he told him

Graham rushed out of the room

"Me and Dave are gonna go get the rest of the things of the bus" Alex said

"Okay" Damon said

Soon they were gone and it was just me and Damon


In a hotel room

"Come here love" he said

HE pulled me into a hug and I sobbed

"Uhm im gonna go to the toilet" I said

"Okay love" he smiled

I didn't tell him I took drugs

I was doing so good as well

But i don't even care anymore

I stayed in the bathroom for 5 mins and then walked out

Alex and Dave still weren't back

I walked over to Damon and leant really close to his face

"Kiss me,, kiss me with your eyes closed"

An- hellooo. I'm going to sleep now :) night love you alll <3 x

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