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She lives in daydreams with me.

Important words ^_^
Barista- person who make coffee/ works at a coffee house.
Frontman- leader of band,lead singer.

Noelle is living life with her father. Lucas best friend, Neil, got her a job that she will be starting soon. She's going to be the co manager of a band called blur. She had no interest in doing anything else apart from it. Nothing exciting happened until 3 weeks later.

"Bye pa, see ya later" Noelle shouted from the front door. She was on her way to work. Her first day at work. She was there to meet the band members, although she couldn't remember all their names and had to think very hard. Well you had Graham Coxon, who was the on guitar, Dave Rowntree, who was on drums, Alex James, who was on bass. And she couldn't remember the last ones name.

When she arrived at the cafe they were meeting at she asked the barista a question.
"Hiya, I'm wondering if you've seen 4 boys that look like they're in their early 20s?"
"Oh, yeah They're at table 6 let me show you."

The kind lady took Noelle to the table and she sat down at the end of the table. "Hi, you must be our manager." She could tell the person that said that was Dave. He was obviously the oldest out of them.
"Yes, that's me, my names Noelle you can call me Elle for short, I don't mind"
"I'm Dave, nice to meet you" he said while shaking Elles hand.
"That's Alex" he said while pointing at Alex. Alex just smiled and waved and so did Elle in return.
"That's graham, and tha-"
"And I'm Damon."

Damon. That was his name Damon Albarn.
"I think I'm gonna call you Ella. Cause it means beautiful fairy women, and you look like a fairy and your beautiful."

Elle blushed at the frontman.
"Cmon Damon calling your manager a fairy before they've started is a bit far" Said graham.
"No, no, no, no, I mean the beautiful kind of fairy's not the ones from labyrinth."

"Why don't you all tell me a bit about yourselves." Elle changed the subject.

"I'm graham, I'm 20 years old, I have no clue how tall I am and I like the blue." Graham stated.

After everyone had a go Damon asked Noelle what about her.
"Oh. Well I'm Noelle, I'm 19 years old, I'm Italian but grew up in London. Andddd, I can play guitar."

"What can you play?" Asked Dave
"Well I can play another one bites the dust by queen and I've written some songs but they aren't that good."
"I bet they're cracking, cmon show us." Said Alex

"Well I'm not much of a singer but this is one of them."

*plays ghosting by mother mother, but let's just pretend Noelle wrote it*

"That was amazing"
"She just got even hotter"

Everyone was spilling her with compliments. But nowadays the time she gad to leave so she said bye to the boys and went home.

Song inspired this chapter: she, Harry styles

{an, pretty rubbish ending but I'm so tired and wanted to update for you guys, luvs you all x}

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