Daddy issues

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Go ahead and cry little girl, nobody does it like you do, I know how much it matters to you, i know that you got daddy issues.

Noelle woke up today knowing she had to go meet the band again to speak about their upcoming gig at the kings head. She got dressed into a black dress because she knew the boys (mostly Damon) would drag her to get a drink.

She walked into the same cafe, with the same barista working there, the same people sitting at the same tables getting the same drinks.

"Morning love" said graham as he saw Elle approaching the table.
"Morning gray, morning boys"
"Morning Elle" Alex and Dave said
"Morning Ella, how are you today love" Damon asked
"Peachy" simple but sweet answer
"Hm, peachy I like that"

"So what are we doing today boys"
"Songwriting" said Dave
"Songwriting, in a cafe, full of boring looking people, where are you going to get your inspiration" Elle asked

"Simple" said Damon.
"You" all the boys said.

Noelle sat there shocked. How is she gonna help them with inspiration?

"And how are you gonna get your inspiration from me, aye?"
"I mean just look at you love, your gorgeous, who couldn't write a song about you" graham said.

♡Noelles POV♡

I looked down and blushed. Did graham just call me gorgeous. I looked up and saw Damon glaring at Graham. I then looked at Graham, wait,, he actually has quite a pretty face. Oh no, I can't find these boys attractive, I'm their manager for gods sake.

^Grahams pov^

God that girl is beautiful, I meant what I said when I said she was gorgeous. She is. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

*normal POV*

"So uhm" Dave said

"Oh yes, well I was walking in here today and I came up with something. Everything about this place is the same as yesterday, yes."

"Yea" they all said

"Parklife" Elle said
"Parklife?" The boys questioned

"Yes parklife"

*an- idk if this make any sense I'm very tired and wanted to get this chapter posted <3
Luvs you all I will update soon loves x

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