Super freak

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She's a very kinky girl

Noelles POV


It happened again

I slept with Graham

But I don't think it was just a one night stand anymore

"Morning love" Graham said

"Morning" I said smiling

"Look I don't think this time was just a one night thing" I said

"You read my mind" Graham said smirking


The door

"I'll get it" I said

I jumped up and put on a pair of shorts and Graham's top

I got to the door and...

Damon was at the door

"Morning dame" I said

"Morning, why do you seem so happy today, you hate the mornings" he said smiling

"There's just something about today. I can tell it's gonna be a good one" I said smiling

"Well I just dropped by because I wanted to give you these" he said handing me a bouquet of flowers

"Oh, what are these for?" I asked him

"Katie wanted ,e to give them to you, cause it was your bd and she didn't get you anything" he explained

aww I love Katie

"Aw, tell her I said thank you" I said

"Alright love, bye" he said closing the door


Graham then walked through the door of my bedroom still completely naked

I sit on the chair in the living room

Graham comes over and starts kissing my neck

"Graham, not right now" I said pushing him off

He kept on kissing my neck trailing down my collar bone

Soon taking my top off

Then my shorts

And we spent another hour doing the devils tango

*time skip*

Graham's POV

I went to Alex's house after my and Noelle finished

"Gray quickly get in" he ushered

"What is the rush" I asked him

"Well I saw you and Noelle kissing in front of the pub last night" he said giddy like a child

"Yeah and?" I questioned

"Tell me what was she like" he asked

Honestly he's like a child

"Well, she's a very kinky girl" I answered

An- very short chapter but yh. We will end up with Damon that was the hole point of me making this but for now Damon's with Katie and we're sleeping with Graham! :D love you all <3 x

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