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You don't mean nothing at all to me

Elles POV

I just had sex with Damon

Life goal= completed

"I love you so fucking much, do you know that" I said

"Yeah, well I did fuck you didn't I" he said

"Graham did too. He also said he loved me. But he lied"

"Don't worry bout graham love. He'll apologise soon. He's a dick at the moment tho"

"Yeah. He is"

"Was I better" Damon asked

"Better what" I asked


"I did say best sex ever. Didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did actually. And I agree fully"

"Shit what's the time." I asked

"Around 4:30. Why?"

"You got practise at 5. Plus Alex and Dave should be back any minute so u suggest you get some clothes on"

"Okay, okay." He said

*time skip to 5*

Ugh, I'm going to have to see Graham

I hate him at the moment


Not fully

I just want answers to be honest

"You alright love?" Alex asked

"Yes. But I have something to tell you later."

"Okay love. Anything"

Practice is only an hour long

We have most of tomorrow to practice

There he is


I felt Alex tug me closer to him

I actually love him [fw]

"Graham. Can I talk to you?" I asked him

"Yeah" he replied

Before me and Graham walked off Damon stopped me

"If he does anything to you. Shoutout to either me or Alex or Dave okay?"


"So. Who was the girl you were snogging?" I asked him

"My ex"

oh. Pleasant

"Oh, why were you snogging her?"

"She said she heard I was in town so she said we should meet up. We were friends after we broke up, it was only a fling sorta relationship. So we did. She followed me back to the hotel and we drunk a little and well. Snogged" he explained

"No sympathy?" I asked him

"None. I know it might be hard to hear, but I didn't really love you. I did at the start of course, Jesus I was obsessed. I mean I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I sound like a bit of an asshole when I said that. But when I got with you. I soon realised I still loved Kelly. I didn't have the gut to tell you. So that's why I came out a week earlier. To spend it with her. That's why I wasn't answering your calls. I felt to fucking bad when I saw you standing there. And when I shouted at you. But I knew you had Damon. I wanted you to find out that I didn't love you anymore. Cause I knew Damon did. And I knew you loved him too"

"Jesus gra. Your making me tear up" I joked

"You know at the time I was thinking, you don't mean nothing at all to me. But I realised. It didn't hurt me as much as I thought it would. I realised I love fucking Damon. Then felt terrible cause he was with Katie. Then he explained that Katie was only to distract him from me and make me jealous. Then-" I sAid

"Lemme guess... you fucked?" He said

"Yeah we did"

"Angry sex is the best" Graham said

"Only now finding that out" I said

"Hey, we made up. Right?" He asked

"Of course gra. I still love you. No matter what" I said

"The feeling is mutual"

An- two updates in an hour. Oml. Anyways gn! X

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