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She's a maneater

Noelles POV

"YOU DID WHAT" Damon said while standing up.

"But Linda said you knew?" Graham said

"Oh for fucks sake Graham. He didn't know. She was lying to try and get me to burst, okay. And now you had to go ruin it, oh for fucks sake Graham, I'm going home"  I said while opening the door.

And it slammed in my face

My eyes trailed up the strong, veiny arm (damn that would look good as a necklace) and led me to a very handsome face


"You're not going anywhere. And you" he said while pointing at Linda. "You're going home. Now"

He grabbed Linda and lead her to the door. "Oh and don't ever pop by again, okay?" He then slammed the door in her face

Oh god now we have to explain

"Look it was a mistake, a proper one. We were drunk and it just kind of happened. But we don't not like each other in that way one bit." I said.

Damon said nothing

Just walked to the bathroom and locked the door after him

"Um, I should most probably go. Bye" I said

"Bye" they all said bar from Graham and Damon

I went home and got absolutely hammered

I had nothing else to do

Alex's POV

After noelle left I took gray into my room and had a little chat with him.

"Look gray, do you know what everyone in elles hometown says?" I asked him

"No" he says

"They say she's a maneater"

An~ short chapter today, I'm going into central London tomorrow and omg who was there Wednesday? Gorillaz! Wish I went to see them :/
Anyways I thought bout it and I might see Damon or Alex Turner in London!! It makes me so excited to go tomorrow. Anyways bye luvs , love you all x <3

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