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i'm dynamite

Yep. I slept with someone yesterday. God I just hope it wasn't one of the boys. And yep, you guessed it, it was

<Noelles POV>

Oh god. Who did I sleep with. What's that noise? It sounds like a shower. Oh he must be in the shower. He plays guitar, sick. The water stoped running. Oh god, the doors opening. Just pretend your still asleep Noelle.

"Hey, Noelle, Noelle wake up"

I opened my eyes and omg what do I see.


oh god this poor boy.

"Oh, morning Graham. Uhm did we um"
"Yes, we did uh, look I understand if you don't want to tell the boys about this, I completely understand" he said
"Oh yes Graham pls. Look I know we slept together last night but I kinda have my eyes on someone else" I replied

The someone else is his best friend but I can't tell him, can I?

"Oh, yes of course love, I don't like you In that way either" he said smiling

*Grahams POV*

That hurt. I love this girl and she just told me she liked someone else. Okay Graham put on a happy face you've got to be strong

<Noelles POV>

"Okay well I'm gonna go now Graham, uhm I'll meet you in Alex's house at 11. Okay?"
"Yes, yes of course love, see you then" he said waving as I left his house.

*time skip*

I walked into Alex's drive and knocked on the door, I saw a car pull up and there was a girl in it. She got out of the car and walked to the door that I was at.

"Oh hi are you Alex's girlfriend" she asked me
"Haha, no I'm-"

Alex opened the door

"Oh hi Linda, uhm I didn't know you were gonna be here" Alex said

Hm, he seems like he doesn't want her to be here.

"Well I had to pop by to see my boyfriend since he hasn't talked to me in a while. Ever since you guys go this new manger" she scoffed

What is this bitch gonna say bout me

"He said that she was a cool girl. Bet she's a little slut whose been manger of loads of bands and slept with at least one person in each band"

I stg I'm about to beat this bitch up

"Uhm, anyways should we come in" Alex said looking at the smug smile that was on my face

We walked in and I saw Damon and Dave already there

"Oh uhm, Linda what are you doing here" Damon asked her
"What I can't visit my boyfriend" she said while going over to sit on Damon's lap.




I've known Damon for like a week, I can't get jealous and ofc he would have a girlfriend. He's gorgeous.

"Oh and I want to meet this Noelle girl you've been talking about" Linda said

Oh this bitch is gonna have a bigggggg surprise

Just then Graham walked into the living room

'Oh hi Noelle, how are you" he asked

I looked over to Linda's face. I should've taken a picture

"Oh my god your Noelle" she asked me

"Yeah, I am, so uhm what has babe- UH I MEAN DAMON. what has Damon been saying about me? Good things I hope" I said with a smirk on my face

Ugh I hate the word babe sm

"Oh just that your a terrible manager and that your an ugly little bitch" she said
"Don't push me, I'm dynamite and will blow up if you try me" I said
"Okay he also said that your a little slut whos already slept with Graham and Alex" she replied with
"How does Damon know we've slept together?" Graham asked




~an- I hope your enjoying this story so far! Loves you all x

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