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God, it's brutal out here

Noelles POV

Ugh, my heads pounding.

Oh god

I have to face Damon and the boys today

For fucks sake if I didn't sleep with Graham this would've never happened

"I guess I get dolled up then" I say to myself staring at the mess of me in my mirror.

So I did

I got "dolled up" as I said

This is what I was wearing:

This is what I was wearing:

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This is dolled up alright

Now I have to invite the boys round

First I ring Alex because well, he doesn't fully hate me or Dave

"Hey Alex, Do you want to come round to mine later?" I asked

"What just me? Cause if yes then yes, yes I will" he replied with

God Alex, not you too

"Uhm, yeah, yeah, just you" I have to fib to get him round.

"Sure, what time?" I can tell he's eager by his voice

"6 please :)". I told him

"Okay I'll be there then, see ya"

*time skip"

I rang Dave it was pretty much the same convo as Alex. Apart from the ya know 'that' part.

Time to call Damon and gray

Gray first I think.

"Hello, oh hi gray. Look I'm so so so very sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that. It wasn't your fault at all. We were just caught up in the moment. Again gray I'm so sorry." I told him

"It's alright love, it must've been very hard for you love, and it was my fault" he said

But the thing gray is that it really isn't

"Anyway, do you want to come to mine around 6 today?" I asked him

"Oh uhm, yeah, why not?" I could hear him getting flustered from the other side of the phone

"Okay see you then" I said ending the phone call I had with Graham

Now the last but certainly not least


"What" Damon said answering the phone

"God, no need to be moody. I'm actually here to apologise" I said

"Oh, not like you to apologise, anyways go ahead.

"I'm sorry for not telling you that I slept with Graham. I'm sorry I slept with Graham. I'm sorry for hurting you." I say while trying not o laugh

"Are you seriously laughing right now?" Damon asks

Yeah, yeah I am

"No, of course not" o say while laughing.

"Right that's it " he says while ending the call.

Uh rude much

"Hey. Why did you end the call, it was quite rude of you ya know" I say ringing him back

"Well you know what they say" Damon said

"God, it's brutal out here" I said finishing his sentence.

An~ hello loves, I'm working on the next chapter now. I'm hoping your liking this story so far. If you don't your more than welcome to stop :)). Loves you all <3 x

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