Fuck you

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Fuck you. Fuck you very, very much

"Kiss me. Kiss me with your eyes closed"



That's why he didn't

Heart= crushed

"Look Elle, I've got Katie, and your just sad" he said putting his hand to my face

"No. I'm high" I said

Damon sighed

"You were doing so good"

"Yeah, well just been cheated on is kind of a stick in the arse"

"The drugs won't help"

"What will, then?" I asked

"A good shag" Damon said

"I'm sorry, what" I said shocked

"Seriously, when was the last time you had sex" he asked

"The weekend Graham saw Alex and what's her name kissing in the bar" I said

"Let me re word my sentence. Uhm,, when was the last time you had sex sober"

"Jesus. I don't know a year ago,, maybe,, I don't know"

"You need to have sex where you actually know what's going on. Know you actually like the person. Not just cause your lonely and shit faced"

'Then fuck me' was about come out my mouth when

someone knocked on the door

I opened the door

It was Graham

"What do you want" I asked

"To say sorry"

"Oh yeah, sorrys really gonna help you" I said

"Do you know what. Fuck you elle" he said

What the fuck had I done

"Wait a second. What has Elle done" Damon asked

Read my mind

Graham didn't say anything

"That's what I thought. So you know what Graham. Fuck you. Fuck you very, very much" I said

And with that I slammed the door in his face

I faced Damon

He came up to me and whispered in my ear

"Angry sex usually is the best"

An- hehe, I actually like this chapter a lot. It's short. But sweet, anyways love you allllll <3 x

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