The bad thing

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Do the bad thing

Noelles POV

Today we're going out




Ugh I really don't want to but I do at the same time

This is the last time we're going out this week cause we're going out on tour

Around America


America already

Blur are getting big

Gotta realise more albums and songs though


Jesus it 4:30 already have to get ready

This is what I'm gonna wear

I went and put a little makeup on

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I went and put a little makeup on. Not a lot tho

And we were off

Me and gra went together

Katie and Damon were obviously together

And Alex was with some girl idk who she is

Dave didn't come tonight for some reason

*time skip*

"Woah, Elle, you look amazing" Katie said as she approached me

"Hands off, she's mine" Graham said with a smug smile on his face

"Wait, you two are together" Katie asked

I nodded my head


"Oh, are they now" Damon said

"Yes, yes we are" Graham said throwing an arm around my shoulder

"Well then, Alex is already inside, shall we" Damon said

"Yes we shall" I said

"Alright Alex" I asked going to the bar

"Yeah, so, what's up with you and Damon, he can't keep his eyes off you" Alex asked

"What do you mean, he's with Katie" I said

"Well looks like he wants to be with you" he said gesturing to Damon

And yep

He was staring at me

"It doesn't matter, I'm with Graham, and he's with Katie so" I said

"Doesn't look like your relationships will last that long love" he said

"I'm going to the toilet, mind watching my drink" I asked Alex

"Not at all love" he said

As I was approaching the toilets a couple of lads stopped me

"You alright love" the first one asked me

He was wearing an Adidas jacket and had a unibrow

"Uhm, yeah" I replied

"Why don't you come sit with us for a while" the second one asked

He looked like the first one

"Uh, I don't see why not" I replied sitting down with them

"I'm Liam and this is me brother Noel" the first one said

So he's Liam and the other is Noel

"You might've heard of us, we're in oasis" Liam said

"Oh yes, Gallagher, is your last name isn't it" I asked

"Yes love" Liam replied

"You want some" Noel asked

He was gesturing to some lines he made

"Uhm no thank you" I said

"Cmon love, do the bad thing" Liam said

Haven't updated in a while so yeah, loves you all <3 x

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