Challenged to a duel? + An Ode to Jehan

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Letta's to th' barricade!  An' th' first one's from our ami fangirl_next_door_!



It has come to my attention that you're better than me in the art of speeches.

Respectfully that's not true.

I'm therefore challenging you to a fistfight for the leadership of Les Amis de L'ABC.

It's at dawn, meet me at the flagpole

and we'll settle this

like the citizens we are.


Your Superior,

Filuca Cornelia.

(the flags ain't the only thing that's gonna be black and red)

(the flags ain't the only thing that's gonna be black and red)

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Filuca Cornelia,

Good day, and I hope you are faring well.  

Firstly, may I apologize for any intimidation that I might have insinuated, perhaps that my speechwriting was better than what you yourself are writing.  I do not think of myself as any more or less capable of writing a speech than yourself, and my sincerest apologies if that is the way it first appeared.

I enjoy the act of speechwriting but I am the first to recognize that my speeches are not anywhere near the state of perfection I wish they were.  Otherwise, perhaps Grantaire would not scorn...but alas, we cannot be perfect.  All that is expected of us is the best work we can put forth.  Nothing more, and nothing less, except, perhaps, when we might aspire to do more.

Therefore, I cannot accept your invitation to fistfight.  I suggest we talk this over further if you so wish.  If you would like to learn to box, I can place you in touch with Bahorel or Grantaire, who would be happy to assist you in free lessons.  Of that I am sure.

Finally, my sincerest apologies that Monsieurs Hyoie O'Grady, Jon Robyns, and Will Richardson saw your note but failed to provide a prompt response.  Mail travels slowly here on the barricade, or perhaps they, too, felt intimidated!  I( mean that as a compliment, of course, in your way of writing).  In the meantime, may you continue to stay healthy and prosperous in your speechwriting!



(You are most welcome to meet me at the flagpole to help me revise some of my speeches, and I might do the same to yours if you are so inclined.)

(Gav: An' our second letter comes from our good friend an' cookie supplier Aire_1832!)

Monsieur Prouvaire, 

 If you were real I do hope we may have been good friends. Although I must regrettably inform you that I am not alive in the 19th century. Perhaps you were real, lived by a different name, but retained the same nature I have strived to achieve. 

If you lived now, I do not know what you'd think. Many things have changed, but some problems still exist. I go by the belief you existed back then, and I think you'd still want to fight for a cause now. Theres plenty I would want to fight for. 

I try to understand your cause, and I do see your point. Freedom and equality. Liberty for all. The end of suffering. I know you were young, kind, innocent. I know you didn't want to fight, you were a romantic I believe. A poet.There are many things to write about now, maybe moreso than there was back then. Love, nature, being, history and art. Some fashion sense has remained too. Flowing sleeves of shirts and blouses, waistcoats, neckties too (on some occasions). From what I read it almost seems you may have chosen your clothes by blindly searching through a cupboard in the dark. Although, I do like your fashion. I have numerous puffy sleeved blouses myself. 

Anyway, I think I shall conclude my letter here. I'm sure you have more important things to read, like poems or revolution plans. 

~ Eli

Dear Eli,

It is so good to hear from you!  I do enjoy the adventures we've had so far.  The beginning of your letter did perplex me, for I believe we are the very best of friends, and as far as I am aware, I am quite real and go by the same name, or so this story goes.  From what I know of you so far, you have certainly achieved my same sense of empathy and are living by my ideals and values already (hence the cookies and flowers and cuddles)!  For that I remain honored and lucky to know you.

As one poet once said, "Of course it is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"  I leave you with this wise teaching and move on to your next point. 

Indeed, there are many problems even here and now that still prevail.  Here is my advice: always fight for what you believe and there will always be an outlet for you.  Think about what makes you "tick," or what excites you to learn more about.  There are intersections in the various causes as well, so there will be multiple you might find yourself interested in helping.  Reach out and volunteer with your local groups - that's how I joined Les Amis!  Citizens in charge of these groups love to receive new volunteers and it's never too early or too late to get involved.

Of course, as you say in your next paragraph, I am a poet rather than soldier but words are powerful!  I have helped to craft many a speech because I do care about the cause.  My first volunteer job was proofreading speeches but then I began writing them - you will always find something to do in whichever corner of the world you'd like to change.  That I can assure you.  You say there are so many things to write about, and I'm sure that many there in your corner would like to hear what you have to say.  Go forth!

As for blindly choosing my daily wardrobe...I will let you decide on that :)  But it warms my heart to hear you have adopted a similar wardrobe - the very best kinds of clothes!

I perhaps might have reading, or poems, or revolution plans but they are not more important than receiving a letter from a most dear friend.  I shall re-read it again on the way to the letterbox to send you this note.  I hope it finds you happy and well.  Best of luck and I look forward to hearing from you whenever you wish.


Jehan Prouvaire

* Le Letterbox de L'ABC remains open to all *



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