Birth-daze :D

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Lolz_and_Lizzi ask us: "When are your birthdays?"

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Bonjour, amis!!!!!!!!  I am writing this on my way to poetry club!  It is oh so very windy here this time of year in Paris, and I am not even going to ask you how my hair looks, although I kind of just did...

Anywho, Combeferre graciously compiled all of our birthday months, all but of a few were based off of, and I quote, "the actors who played us?"  Not sure what he's talking about there.  Anywho, if you would like a certain day, we will put it in the chat, although we did not want to highlight it here in the story because it is actual people...

January - Marius, Feuilly, Joly

May - Courfeyrac

June - Combeferre

September - Gavroche, Bossuet, Avenir

October - Enjolras, Éponine

November - Jehan

December - Grantaire, Bahorel, Cosette

Do you have a birthday month barricade buddy?  Let us know!  I am lonely out here in November... :')

Again, we are full-time university students, but we will try and answer any questions you may have on the run between classes!  I trust everyone is keeping well in their schoolwork and staying hydrated.

Also, a special shoutout to anyone who can guess the location of the very first picture!  Hint - it is the one with all of the tables...


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