Pranks by Gavroche, All Rights Reserved, Part I

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"So @New-Identity wanted a prank, so 'ere's 'ow it went about!  

Wot I wanted to do wos put a whoopee-cushion on Enjolras's chair, an' laugh at his reaxshun (sorry 'bout the spellin' I'm gettin' bett'a)!

Courf was in 'on it, so he wos able to distract Enjolras for an' afternoon with a pressing' issue about that night's meetin'.  This meant I hadta sneak into the meetin' early, meanin' four hours early, because Enj always gets there at least two hours early, every time.  But Courf was distractin' him and promised to have 'im get to the meetin' late.  So lucky me gotta take a nap, and arrive there only an hour before.  So I gets there and I put the cushion there, right on 'is chair, and went to my favorite table in the corner, where Grantaire already wos.  You see, R gets to the meetin' four hours early too, so he can stare at Enjolras.

Grantaire goes, "Where's Enjolras?  I wos worried!  Iva been here for three hours already!"  I says, "I KNOW!  It's a prank!  And you betta keep your mouth shut if you know wos good for you!"  And R says, "Hey, hey, no I wanna be in on it too!"  So I says, "Ok, be extra distractin' when Enj sits down so he doesn't see where he's sittin' on!"  

So we wait, an' wait, an' other students come in, and 9:00 PM comes around' - that's when the meetin' starts, an' still no Courf an' no Enj.

9:16, they come runnin' in, an' Enjolras stands in the center of the room an' starts what R and I call "the sermon."  He never sits down at his desk until the end of the meetin' so we had some waitin' to do.  In the meantime, Courf kept winkin' at me an' I had to keep it together.

Finally, 10:59, and they're wrappin' up, and R's rearin' to go.  R gets up and stumbles over to Enj, and Courf comes to take his place at our table for two.  An' R is playin' his part, angering Enj, slowly steering him toward his desk.  R's really playin' it up, yellin' at him, arguin' about wot he said durin' the sermon, an' he's so loud that the room goes deathly silent.  An' Enjolras takes that exact moment to slam his hands on the desk an' forcefully sit


Then a HUGE moment of silence, in which R does wot R does, an' betrays me, sayin' "IT WOS GAVROCHE!  YOU KNOW, HE SET ME UP TO GET YA MAD! IT WOSSN'T ME!" 

An' then the laughter starts, an' I'm not so sure it's so funny anymore, so I hightail it outta there, runnin' down the block.  No one was behind me, so I peek around' the corner, and Enj is goin' after Courf, who's runnin' straigh' toward me!  Courf almost' crashes into me, an' then, we're tearing' off together, Enj high on our heels.  We split up, an' Enj chooses to go after me, screamin' some long soliloquy about respect.  

He followed me all the way to the elephant, where I made my escape up the little hole in the belly

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He followed me all the way to the elephant, where I made my escape up the little hole in the belly.  Tha's why us little people are good for small 'openings!

So overall, I'd call it a success - but then again, I've yet to run into Enj since then...Courf's ok, though!  He told me Enj sat down so hard on the cushion he put a HUGE hole in it!"

Courf's ok, though!  He told me Enj sat down so hard on the cushion he put a HUGE hole in it!"

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"Hey Amis, it's Courf, and our prank was definitely a success!  You don't mess with the wrath of Enjolras, but let me tell you, even he was laughing about it the next meeting (we were all laughing harder), and Gav was too scared to show his face but it's ok!  Enj forgives him :)

We are all out of questions!  Keep brainstorming - we'd love to receive more!!!   And spread the word to others!

Any more ideas of people you'd like to see Gavroche prank?  Pray tell it's not me!

Any thoughts on our current situation on the barricade?  We'll gladly take any battle strategies you may have.  Enjolras might bring it up at a future meeting.

Or, do you have a special Les Miz memory to share with us?  We're glad to take this in whatever direction the people are interested in!  We can highlight some of your stories and react to them.  We can't wait to communicate with you!"


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