Chapter 4.

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King Lance Dyer and Queen Christina Dyer Sky delivers message bellow.

King Lance's POV

My sons are in my office setting up business meetings yes we are Royalty but to the humans we are successful Billionaires with several companies around the world we specialise in technology advancement. "Liam, Lucas I need you to go down and bring me Mark (my Beta) and if you see your mother send her up thanks," they leave then I hear flapping I know it's not my mate outside this sounds like a small bird I turn around my window is open I see a blob fly in through the open window at speed it's a falcon odd whys it in here it landed on its side clumsily before righting itself it chirped hopping onto my desk in front of me and just perched there I flapped my hands at it to leave it dodged my frantic waving but still stood on the desk. At this point my gorgeous love strides in first at shock then she cooed over the dam animal, it better not poop on my desk. "Hunny stop it don't scare it." Scare it is she mad. "Get it out love I don't want it in here." She held up her finger to silence me as she focused on its legs. "Baby it's a pet falcon look it has leather anklets someone owns it, it's not wild. And hang on sorry little guy." She watched the bird carefully as she unwrapped a small scroll from its ring. "Oh it's a letter babe it's for us. Thanks little guy." She stroked its head it didn't peck her it began to preen it's feathers still on my desk.
"Well what does it say?" I ask my wife. "It says Your Majesties, I apologise for how you receive my letter. I'm a Phoenix born into the Inkersdale Pack. My mother and father are Alpha and Luna. Seven months ago we lost our Luna due to a hunter attack. My father has taken a step back from his authority and is too lost in grief. Recently we've been getting more and more attacks from teamed up Rogues they sense our weakness and have been dwindling our numbers. My father has done nothing he has no male successor for our pack.
I understand if you do not wish to help but every time I help nothing seems to resolve these attacks.
Thank you for reading my letter Alesha Vander.
P.S. Sky won't bite.
"So that's your name aren't you cute." My wife strokes the animal. "Well love fancy a road trip. We can't let this young lady do her father's job." "Yes hunny we have to help her ah you can go back to your owner ah Sky, ah go home." She says the bird instantly flys back out the window to home I guess. "LIAM, LUCAS" my mate shouts our two boys sorry men come in. "Mum, dad what's happening?" "Ah Lucas your brother and yourself are in charge for a while I'm not sure how long but your mother and I received a lovely letter from a young lady needing our assistance." "How there were nobody coming through boarder patrol." "Liam she sent the message via falcon." Their eyes bugged out of their sockets. "Cool" they replied together we nod and leave our sons to work I trust my boys completely they are ready to rule but won't until they find their mate I understand so my wife and I still do the main tasks but they have taken smaller roles within the Kingdom.

Alesha's POV

My sister bounds in to the studio "sissy feeling better now" I smile lightly "a little how about we take our books out and colour outside." She screams in merriment and takes my hand Sky still isn't back yet but I know she knows we're to go. I take a blanket and set it on the ground for us Jazzy colours in her Cinderella drawing whilst I spot two magpies and begin to sketch them.
I'm about half way when I hear Sky call out I shade my eyes from the glare of the sun with my left hand and watch her glide down to us. "SKY" Jazzy calls out happily. Once she's close enough she perches on the blanket the letter is missing so the King and Queen must've read it. I stroke her head in gratitude and begin to finish my sketch again. Once we were finished I help Jazzy concentrate on getting her to push a flower out of the dirt. Now getting a four year old like my sister to focus on anything for a significant amount of time is a challenge she has a very short attention span. I told her to focus on a spot between her cupped hands on the ground. Think of the nicest flower she wanted to grow, feel for the vibration and hold it concentrate on the feel. She did and a daisy sprung out of the Earth she squealed happily and frowned when it disappeared back into the ground her pouty face looked at me as her lip trembled. I hugged her excitedly replying "you did it Jazzy." "But it gone now." "Because you lost focus Jazzy but that's the first time you brought the flower all the way out good job Jazz." I hold out my hand which she jumps up to smack in a high five.
I could see Jazzy was tired when you are practicing your power without your Phoenix it tends to take a lot out of you. "Come on let's get you some ice cream you'll feel better then." I picked her up and carried her on my hip back home Sky flying slowly behind me. Once in the house dad almost bumps into us with Angelica on his waist seriously they're making out Angelica's my age it's so wrong plus eerrrggghhhh gag me I want to throw up. I sneer at them and walk past him they clearly aren't bothered that his children just saw him making out with a younger girl I mean I get he doesn't give a shit about me but to do that in front of a four year old his four year old I shiver in disgust as Jazzy sticks her finger in her mouth to fake gag. I nod and smile giving her 'I know it face.'

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