Chapter 24.

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Dark tunnel top is Alesha's step-father I'm calling him Alpha Daxon. Then Alesha and finally her biological father below Alejandro Perez. Song Beating Heart by Ellie Goulding.

Alesha's POV

My anger simmered down till there was just silence between us. I lifted my left hand up and stared sadly to my engagement ring they were so cross with me I didn't do it on purpose but there was no need to slap me I don't want to think of them like the monster that raised me. "I'm sure they regret their foolish moment" I turn confused "what are you talking about?" "Your mates' you know they love you I should be chewing their asses for hitting you but they were scared, scared to lose you." I smirked sarcastically "so you think they were right to slap me for something I didn't know was going to happen you know your just like him." I moved over to the camp bed wanting to be as far from him as possible. "You are not a child anymore Alesha I know I screwed up I know your mates' screwed up we're not perfect but please don't compare me to Daxon. You don't know how badly I wanted to be in your life." I interrupted him "ok so why then when mum died you didn't come into my life telling me all this why'd I have to find out like this?" He looked away ashamed and hurt. "I was afraid you'd reject me, that you wouldn't believe or even hear me out hay tantas piedras en mi corazón." There are so many stones in my heart. "There are so many things I should've done I don't deserve your forgiveness I just wish I will be part of your life I will always regret what I didn't do what I should've done I'm sorry cariño." Sweetie.
I didn't know how to respond my anger was turning to acceptance. I leaned back against the wall and shut my eyes trying to communicate with anyone who cared "Jazzy can you hear me!" Nothing "Lucas, Liam are you there?" Nothing I felt nothing, heard Nothing I was alone with a man I didn't know, a man who was my father. My mates' won't come for me they hate me I shouldn't pity myself but I can't my ribs hurt my Phoenix won't talk to me. I lay on my left side as my right side was too sore and let the tears fall luckily my father couldn't see me cry.

I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up my father was gone the cuffs hanging from his chains were dangling like I just missed him where did they take him as much as I felt alone I didn't want them to hurt him, I wanted the company. I found myself slowly pacing my cell I heard nothing saw nothing 'please come back.' I stared at the ground as I paced and stopped I let out a groan as a small pressure built up in my head and the cobbled ground began to spin I gasped larger breaths to erase the dizziness but then I just needed to empty my stomach.
I hunched on the ground as I threw up what was left in my stomach then the cell door scrapped open and a thump along with a grunt noise came from behind me. I wiped my mouth with my arm and turned to see my father beaten to a pulp. He couldn't see out of one eye bruises and cuts littered his body massive bruises on his stomach. "No te preocupes, cariño se be peor de lo que es." Don't worry sweetie, looks worse than it is. I sat down with him as the vampires hooked him back up to his chains he winced but showed little pain. "I can heal you" "no you won't I know you can but you need to save your strength if your babies have any chance of survival in this hell." I shook my head my eyes lowered to my stomach. "What" I whispered "why... oh you didn't know I'm surprised your mates didn't say anything. Your expecting I can smell them a woman's scent changes when they are pregnant it becomes sweeter so you better hope Daxon doesn't find out and help will come for you soon." "I'm pregnant" I whisper on instinct my hand floats above my flat stomach shakily. "You will get out they will come for you Cariño." I knew he was talking about my mates' I was still processing when the cell door creaked open again I instantly let my hand fall from my stomach to see monster sneering at my father I should really ask his name.
"Well I can't say I wasn't thrilled to be finally beating Alpha Alejandro Perez it's been too long coming but now Collette is gone I can do what ever I want to you and the abortion that came out of her." I frowned as a massive roar erupted from my father I covered my ringing ears from the ear piercing sound even monster covered his ears. "YOU WILL NEVER TOUCH HER!" I was taken back by a father figure actually caring about me. "Well your busted, old and chained up I can do what I like to her." He reached out and yanked me to my feet. I dug my feet into the ground as he dragged me along I dug my nails into his arm but he didn't even flinch I tried using my ice but I couldn't even feel it's magic. Then the floor beneath me shook and my father was on top of my monster punching him. "When it comes to my girl you won't get her again." He was beating him up and I stood amazed he was chained up with silver that should've paralysed him. Then vampires rushed in kicking my father and clawing deep into his arms I tried uselessly to pry them off him. My father's feared eyes went to my stomach and he held his hands up in surrender as the vampires left taking with them the monster locking the door one spread wolfsbane on the hinges and lock so we couldn't escape. I hugged my father as it felt right "You shouldn't have done that they could make you pay for hurting him, though it was fun to see how pathetic he really is. How'd you break out of the chains though." He smiled pulling me back into him. "For years I used to chain myself with silver on purpose to make myself no longer feel it's paralysing sting. I even liquified it taking small amounts of it in my food I knew it would come in handy one day." "So we can get out of here then come on." I excitedly took his hand to leave but he tugged my arm and I sat back down in front of him.
He moved my hair away from my face with sorrow "sadly no they will use wolfsbane now which I'm not immune to but they will never get you Cariño."
"Do you think they will come, I don't think so I felt their rage through our bond." I sniffed and dropped my head into his shoulder. I felt his hand stroke my back. "You need to have more faith in yourself, just because they lost their temper on you doesn't mean they won't cross heaven and hell for you. Now no more tears you are a Perez these assholes will not watch us break." I wiped away my tears and slept on the bed as my father slept on the ground next to me.

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