Chapter 19.

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Alesha's outfit far left then Jasmines outfit and Christina's outfit far right.

*A week later*

Alesha's POV

When you first mate I have learned why they got so irritated of me leaving for males especially Alphas when they first mate with their mates' their wolves go into a frenzy and their only release is to mate even their human sides that normally can control their wolves around their mates normally cannot control them during the more intimate passionate time as first mating. Like now they're both still crazy but not as much as before if you ask me the raging testosterone has had its time to cool off a bit. But for a whole week I couldn't see my sister or leave the room, not that I can say it was horrible because I'd be lying if I said that although now they are more possessive of me than they used to at least they've calmed enough to let me leave our bedroom. Now we didn't only have sex in that time we played games and watched tv a lot and talked but I was sent up food Pearl enjoyed them greatly but she's Phoenix and did feel caged stuck in one room with overexcited testosterone ruled Prince Alphas breathing down our necks.

Anyway I'm so excited I'm literally humming a song as I'm leaving our room 'for the first time in forever ha Frozen' "Angel it wasn't that terrible enjoying our company was it?" Lucas read my mind I glared at his pouting face as they both tried to look hurt but I knew by the slight lift of their yummy mouths and I wasn't going to be fooled. I stand with my hands on my hips and raise my left eyebrow. "Nice try hunnies but I'm not falling for those faces but yes it wasn't all bad in-fact I will admit you are amazing lovers there you happy" I frown as they beam in response I roll my eyes, "but, I did miss the outside world too. I still love you both so don't feel bad but I'm happy you've simmered down a bit so I can go outside again." I blow them kisses as I slowly make my way down to Jazzy's room goddess I missed her she'll only be getting up now.

I knock her door but hear no reply I creep inside she's not in her room I hear her singing for the first time in forever aww did she miss me too. I sit and wait on her bed to surprise her. She comes out and does a double take "surprise" I smile and she then screams and leaps onto my lap I giggle at her I really missed this kid. "How've you been Jazzy?" She pouts and her lips quivers like she's going to cry so I pull her in for a hug "He who shall not be named again is bad he dumped me for his friends instead then I can't talk to you cause the Queen says your making her a grandmother I don't know what that means and Petrona left with her mummy and Daddy back to Spain Lilly's ok but she's not you and to top it off my powers don't work anymore." She continues to sob into my top as I comfort her and rock her as she eventually begins to calm down.
"I'm sorry I left Jazzy and I'm sorry you had to suffer in that time now your powers will come back don't worry and as for that pup you forget your sweet head about him. If he can't see what he lost then he's the idiot, Petrona will come back to visit, and I am not making the Queen any grand-babies yet." The last part earns a confused head tilt from Jazzy she wipes her tears and sulkily says "ok" "Come on let's get some breakfast once you change though, ah here put this and this on and wear your white sandals it's to be really warm today." I help organise her outfit as she changes in front of me I fix up her hair and take her little left hand in mine as we walked over to the kitchen.

My mates' greeted me happily both kissing the side of my head whilst my sister sneered at them tugging my hand with her "gross you took my sissy away enough my turn she's my sister not yours." My mates' chuckle silently before quickly schooling their faces again before kneeling down to Jazzy's level. "Your right we're sorry Jazzy we didn't mean to steal your sister from you" "even though she was screaming our names all day and all night." I glared at Liam who mind-linked that information Lucas coughed to keep a straight face. "Can you forgive us Jazzy?" Jazzy really thought about it her little finger tapped her chin her eyes lifted to the ceiling. She then shrugged and replied "maybe" and went to get her cereal from the cupboard. "Hey don't look at me like that I didn't put those words in her mouth." I left to get my breakfast we did have a cook but I've been serviced food long enough so I make my own chocolate pancakes and pile on some strawberries and blueberries yummy.
I looked at my mates' sadly pouting to Jazzy contrary to popular belief but they love kids and considered Jazzy a sister which technically she is now cause I'm mated to them but if I know my sister she won't let them in so quickly. For her whole life it was mostly only myself and mum of course dad loved her too but as Phoenix's I guess she just latched onto us more and when mum died I became a surrogate mum and her sister of course I won't ever replace our sainted mother no one ever will but she needed her and mums not here so Jazzy became more attached to me and I her.
My mates' were going to the office as their father wanted to go over business proposals and things Christina I'm still not comfortable calling her mum just yet asked both Jazzy and myself out for coffee and hot chocolate in town which I was more than happy to do. Before leaving Liam rushed down to me with two other burly wolves trailing him. "Baby these are your guards Drake and Robert" "Ah hi why do I have guards your mother doesn't," I'm peeved now I can look after myself. "Baby it's not because we don't think you can't look after yourself but your father has been blackmailing us with giving him back Jazzy and we know your not keen on being separated it's just incase he tries and to let us be more relaxed knowing your protected away from us Drake is our best warrior and Robert our best tracker so they know what they're doing please baby?" I groan at his stupid cute pleading face again with the faces I can't say no to those faces. "EEERRRGGGHHH Fine But this is ridiculous just so you know, anyway I've got to go uh what do I say to guards it's not like they can just go everywhere with me and I don't like ordering people around." I feel his warm calming lips on mine but he pulls away before it gets too heated. "You'll have to get used to it Baby one day you'll be Queen, and of course they go where you go." I look disgusted at him "THEY WON'T EVER FOLLOW ME TO THE BATHROOM so no they can't go everywhere actually." He frowns and I rush out the palace hearing Christina call me.

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