Chapter 31.

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King Nicholi's private mansion in Cancuń Daniel and Rein's arriving outfits, Alesha's arriving outfit and bikini.

*month later*

Alesha's POV

My father kept his word and he's been busy teaching me how to swim. We also begun plans for planning our wedding. It will be on October 19th which is an important date for me, it was my mother's birthday, so that way she'll be with me on my day. Of course jazzy will be a flower girl and Lena my maid of honour. My page boy is Daniel ring barer Sky second flower girl is of course Rein, Christina will walk her down the aisle and Lance will hold Daniel. Anyway that's as far as I've got. Today we're going to Cancuń so right now I'm packing my wedding planner, laptop for planning the Coronation. Liam and Lucas are moving the prams (strollers) into the car. Christina was in tears last night she's going to miss her grand babies I couldn't have got through this week without her.

The kids were in their special seats for the flight I had given them a little pain relief for the flight I don't want their tiny ears hurting, and am now feeding them as Lucas puts our cases into locked cabinet in our plane. I sat next to the window a breathtaking view slowly passed the window until Daniel began to cry shortly followed by his sister I took off my belt as my mates' helped take the babies out of their seats and laid them in my arms as I left for the small bathroom to nurse them. I thought about how mummy life changed before I was an unsure scared Phoenix in a pack that didn't respect me a father that never loved me no matter what I did to save them, to help him. Now I have  mates' that love me and two adorable babies who rely on me and I have loved instantly. A smile lit my face as I stroked my babys' backs. I hooked my clothes back up and lay Rein on my lap as I gently put Daniel over my shoulder to wind and then swapped them around and did the same for Rein. I then bent over my babies and put the changing tray down as I changed Rein and then Daniel and put them in new outfits for the arrival, and I left and returned to my seat Liam lifted Daniel and kissed his head at the same time Lucas did with Rein before they secured them into their seats I put their pacifiers in for the decend so they could suck them without their ears popping.

Coming off the plane was tense my mates' set our babies car seats behind them as well as me then I saw a jeep pull up and two pale men came out one with short blonde hair the other long black shoulder-length hair both wearing sunglasses. My eyes opened at realisation Vampires "well why are bloodsuckers here?" "Your funny mutt our King wants to make sure we keep your babies safe because you screwed up already protecting your family. This is his olive branch so whilst your in our town you will also be around us. Now get in the car so we can take you to the mansion." "Will your king be there?" "No but he's close, and for whatever reason he cares for that daughter of yours and will always be around to protect her." My mates' growled and I stood in front of my kids protectively. "We can protect her, we will die protecting our babies leech, fine you want to escort us to this holiday (vacation) house fine by us, but we will protect our own demon." Lucas growled out. They nodded their heads once and opened the passenger doors and boot (trunk) of the car. Liam stood with me whilst Lucas glared at them whilst putting the baby's things in the car. Liam picked Rein up and the vampires eyes dropped to her sleeping form I threw ice in their faces to snap their attention away. "EYES OFF MY BABY GIRL! I don't like your kind looking at my daughter like she's a piece of meat, SHE'S A BABY! Not food eyes off, fine your king wants to protect her, protect her from what?" "Somethings coming, and our King just wants her safe Princess Alesha. I can't tell you why because I don't know I didn't ask, King Nicholi wishes you a nice holiday Alesha, your mates' not so much." "Feelings mutual demons." Liam growled out. I grabbed Rein away from him and picked up Daniel putting them in the car ignoring the macho stare down. It scared me what will happen to Rein it must be bad if the vampire King even wants to protect her I yelled out from the car "GET IN THE CAR LUCAS AND LIAM!" "Baby they're lying" I want to believe Liam but my worry over my child is greater "I don't care right now we all want the same thing to protect Rein so get in the car I want a holiday both our babies and I deserve one so we'll worry about the future when it comes. NOW, GET, IN, THE, CAR!" I aggressively grit out I'm so irritated I just want a break.
They wordlessly got into the car staring at the back heads of the vampires driving the car. "Other than right now you won't see us again unless your daughters in trouble, have a nice time your highnesses." As he said this we drove into the driveway the sun made everything so beautiful I took a sigh of relief I was free, I had a father who loved me babies I adore. "This place is BEAUTIFUL" I squeal excitedly the vampires groan covering their ears, my mates' smile lovingly to me before both leaning down and Liam kissed my head whilst Lucas kissed my cheek.
"Angel you go pick a room for our cherubs we'll get their cots, plus we want you as far away from these bloodsuckers we don't trust them." I rolled my eyes "of course you don't your natural enemies but if what they said was true then I'm glad to have the vampire King protecting our Rein so please don't mess this up." "Baby we're just being cautious" "Well I get that but let's not let the future ruin our present ok please behave for our kids sake, for mine I need a break and right now Rein's safe so let's just please enjoy our holiday and then when we get back we'll be married sound good?" I squealed my heart raced as Lucas bent me backwards as his lips crashed into mine I closed my eyes savouring the taste of his lips I heard Liam groan I opened my eyes to see his member stand erect I moaned as Lucas's tongue swept my lips and I granted him access we made out until Daniel began to cry I smiled into the kiss and pulled away as Lucas groaned frustratedly I kissed him quickly again and kissed Liam before asking my babies out of the heat "sssshhh Daniel it's ok mummy will change you in a minute don't wake your sister sweetie." His cries began to quieten down.
The house was minimalistic old classy furniture placed around the giant fireplace in the living room, "no tv come on" Liam fisted his hair I shook my head and smiled "looks like you'll have to do other things than watch tv babe." His devilish smile adorned his yummy face, "Do other things eh, what do you think we should do brother?" "Hmm you make an interesting question I would like to do our mate what about you?" I frown "same here delicious isn't she" I rushed up the stairs with my babies horny mates' I'm not ready for anymore babies yet and it didn't take much for them to knock me up the first time. "Aww come on Angel you love Rein and Daniel though we can give you more children." I growled in frustration "I don't regret Daniel or Rein but I went through a rough pregnancy and birth please, I don't want anymore kids right now and if I, if we have sex that will be the only thing that happens we almost lost Rein I was having a werewolf pregnancy not the full six month Phoenix pregnancy Rein needed, I'm scared please we can't I can't lose another baby at birth." An eerie silence was felt through our link "hey you both still there?" I panicked "we're here angel alright but you do release it's going to be torture for us to keep our hands and mouths off you." I smiled as I set their car seats on the bed getting Daniel out of his. "Who said you had to keep your hands off me we can still do other stuff just not the type that would make me pregnant." I blocked our link got them there.
Once Daniel was changed I changed into my swimming costume (bathing suit) and applied high factor sun cream to the babies taking them down to the pool before setting them in the shade, there was a good breeze which was refreshing on my skin I lay out on the sun bed next to the pool relaxing. My mates' sat on either side of me as we enjoyed the sun and the birds chirping.

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