Chapter 7.

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Alesha's outfit

Alesha's POV

I know I said I went to hunt but I wasn't hungry yet so I just changed into one of my favourite halter neck dresses it was white with blue roses on it. I took a walk around the memorial sight. I was thinking of what size I would do the Queens portrait on so I could get the right canvas size when something ran into me knocking me off balance. "Oops sorry sissy." I frowned in confusion "didn't I tell you to go eat Jazzy, dad won't be happy." The Queen and King approached I curtsied "we were the reason your sister left I am furious your father treats you like a rat even omegas can eat with him but you his own flesh and blood no, you are both coming with us we'll take you out come on let's go find us somewhere to eat and no butts Alesha we insist it's totally uncalled for, for him to go as far as banishing you from dinner." The Queen wrapped her left arm around my left arm pulling me to her side as we walked to their Rolls Royce car.

We arrived in town a human settlement at a restaurant called Nevar's  both Jazzy and I have never left the safety of our pack and we knew humans were bad they were responsible for our mother's death it made me uneasy at the least Jazzy held on tightly to my hand goosebumps formed on her arms the King and Queen oozed confidence and grace which I was struggling to summon.
The Queen looked back and smiled in encouragement "Come on girls." We hurried behind her my sister whispering humans and that she was scared I know how she feels. Some humans in the restaurant began to stare at me I don't like it I've always stood out my looks were never normal I was born with Snow White hair and almost translucent eyes that shimmered like diamonds I guess, they are usually a light grey but when under pressure or scared unless I use them when using my Phoenix sight. I should've thought to wear colour contact lenses. I swallowed my panic and told Jazzy not to panic we'll be alright if the King and Queen didn't see a problem then I guess we had nothing to worry about.

After we were seated and ordered our food. "So girls tell us more about yourselves did you ever travel? What's it like being a Phoenix?" "We never leave the pack Luna not safe for us daddy always says to stay and hide humans are monsters." That made their eyebrows raise. "Really he said that to you about humans. Huh ok girls listen I understand your mother was killed by hunters who of course were human but your father is wrong in making you blame an entire species none of us like hunters but as a parent he should of known the difference. Yes humans killed your mother hunters are to blame I'm not blaming you, you were both raised a certain way but please know this never judge a book by its cover." We agree maybe we are being too harsh. "So your father taught you to fear the world isn't he a great man." The sarcasm in the Kings voice irritated me sure my father isn't perfect. "Your majesty I understand my father isn't always an agreeable man but he wasn't always like this people change when they lose their mates and if they're strong enough to survive then maybe they need help even if they can't see it." I maybe spoke out of line but he is and will always be my father I can criticise him they can't they don't know him. An awkward silence fell among us I just wanted to leave I screwed up again, the food quickly arrived I stopped Jazzy from eating until the King and Queen began to eat which confused her but I linked her why I did so and she understood.
"I admire you defending your father and your maybe right Alesha but it doesn't change what he has done to his own daughter I have reason to believe he hurt you physically." I looked taken back "how did you find out" she looked angry "so it's true he did attack you Alesha." I panicked I don't want them to punish him yes what he did was cruel but he wasn't thinking straight he was drunk. "He was intoxicated and heard many pack members died because I didn't see the surplus rogues about to attack us." The Queen took my hand from over the table. "Now listen to me Alesha these fights between the rogues and your pack are not your fault you weren't trained but you know the most important thing is" I shook my head she smiled I think I saw her almost tear up "you tried to protect them and you even gave your own life in doing so, your a hero and your father can't see the jewel that's right in front of him the guardian angel watching over his pack is you. Many more would've died had you not helped your warriors, but we see how this pack treats it's angel and I have no respect for them sweetie you are special, when you find your mate you'll find a home again." She squeezed my hand and I wiped away the tears I shed, the Queen thought that much of me. "Have faith in yourself Alesha." The King answered.

After dinner we all went back to our pack, the King and Queen didn't even know me anymore than a day and they believed in me more than I do they have a point maybe it's time to stop caring for those who don't care for us and as the King put it have more faith in yourself. I smiled to myself my Phoenix was always quiet and reserved only spoke when I really needed her "I'll try" that's all I could do.
"Luna, Alpha will you watch the Greatest Showman with sissy and me please please please" I poked her arm with my elbow lightly to tell her enough "Jazzy you don't order the King and Queen." She shrugged her shoulders not caring I rolled my eyes. "We'd love to watch the movie with you both Jazzy." Once we were in our pjs I took down my sisters hair and brushed it "brush your teeth first" I was already ready. We walked to the guest room were the King and Queen were staying they came out and we showed them to our small theatre room and I set up the movie sitting between my sister and the Queen.
Jazzy and I sung all the songs in tune I don't care when people hear me sing I've a nice enough voice as does Jazzy. After it finished I turned the movie off. "Well good night girls we'll see you both in the morning we enjoyed your company and I'm glad you weren't too insulted earlier our issues are not with you Alesha we just can't comprehend your father's lack of concern towards you." I nod and smile "I understand I hold no grudge your majesties have a nice night, good night to you both." "Night, night Luna and Alpha." "Goodnight Jazzy." They reply together Jazzy and I went to bed "goodnight Sky" She squawked in response and I fell asleep the Queens sketch of the two white wolves flooded my subconscious.

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