Chapter 28.

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Background is King Nicholi's bird form Raven. Then you have Alesha ready to give birth her babies, father and mates'. Song by Phil Collins You'll be in My Heart Lyrics.

*another month so three months since she last saw her mates'

Alesha's POV

"Dad I'm so over this I want to sleep and I'm too huge eeerrghh come out, COME OUT ALREADY!" I scream at my belly I've had enough not only is that so called bed diabolical but I'm up all night with the constant kicking I swear it's like during the day they sleep just to piss me off why can't unborn babies sleep at night with their mothers and I don't even want to discuss the bathroom. Everyone one says aww your glowing, aww it's wonderful the miracle of pregnancy what they don't tell you is all the messed up crap, morning sickness well actually everyone knows that one, back aches, pushing on bladder constantly, lack of sleep, horrid fluids I won't go into, not being able to stand for too long, can't see your feet, struggling to put socks on or lift something off the ground you dropped, as nice as the kicking is I would like it to stop at bed time but I so love being pregnant. "I know Cariño I'd love to help you start it naturally but you can't exactly go for a walk. "OH spicy food please, please, please ask for that now they've been safe enough now they must get out." "I'll try and ask." I rub my huge bump and put a hand on my back and lean back into my hand stretching my aching back out.

"Well anything?" "They didn't even want to hear about it." I yell in frustration "KEEP IT DOWN IN THERE!" "OH SHUT UP LEECH" I yell back I'm not in the mood for their boring asses. Like stupid people we begin to make star jumps but after only doing a couple my boobs hurt so I gave up. I thought I heard a birds cry and thought it was Sky. "SKY!" I excitedly run to the cell gate but my excitement left my body instantly it was a dam Raven. "Who, piss off your not Sky go away, go home" I flick my hands at it and it twists it's head to the side looking at my belly I frown and turn away going back to my dad, I heard it's wings flapping signally it's departure.

Before dinner came I rubbed the lowest side of my tummy, "how you doing over there cariño?" I wince as I feel my stomach harden and my bump moves I can literally feel them moving down, I smile though it's pained. "I think they're moving into position dad here feel." I grabbed his right hand directing it over the movement. "That's my strong grand babies." I wince again in pain. "Do you think you're in labour?" I shrug having no idea a part of me hopes so but the bigger part terrified I haven't had any doctors appointments nothing all I knew was there was two of them and I'm going to have to do this without pain relief and I was bricking it. "Don't cry cariño if anyone can do this it's you." "You have to say that your my... AAAAHHHH!" I felt the sharpest cramp ever worse than a period cramp. I panted though. "Ok yeah I'm in labour. I'm going to change under the blanket I know it could take hours but I'd rather be comfortable." Dad turns around whilst I discard my lower half clothes and wrap the blanket around my waist.
My dad yelled at the door "WE NEED TOWELS AND STERILE SCISSORS, right?" I nodded as another contraction comes hopefully they'll both be alright we have no idea what we're doing but I hope they both have a safe arrival.

With sterilised scissors and towels I squint and pant I pat my back and my dad comes behind me coaching me through it, rubbing my back soothingly then I feel something cold drip down my legs. "Dad check I think my waters broke." I could see how much he didn't want to look he tentatively lifted my blanket and his face paled "Yes something happened I don't want to alarm you but it's not a pretty sight" I roll my eyes "JUST SHOUT WHEN YOU SEE A HEAD OR LEGS HOPEFULLY A HEAD THOUGH I don't want a breached baby." He nodded and gulped.

I don't know how long it's been but I've been panting and screaming for some time my father was at my other end yelling at me to push, I pressed my head into my boobs my face scrunched up in pain I gritted my teeth and pushed down for as long as I could. "One more time Alesha almost there." I felt another contraction gripping the sheets below me I pushed as hard as I could and didn't stop until I groaned and heard a cry. I was so happy I looked over to see my dad wiping the gunk off the babies eyes, and wrapping the towel around it handing me my baby. "A boy cariño he's amazing well done, I knew you could do it." He kissed the top of my head and I cooed over my son pushing my finger through his hand as he gripped my finger. My dad squeezed his umbilical cord and cuts it once he's sure he's clamped long enough. "I'm going to call you Alejandro until your daddy's see you." I whisper to my infant and kiss his little head. I've never been instantly in love with anyone but this little guy has my complete focus.
20 minutes later I feel another gush of cold liquid "my WATERS BROKE" my dad takes his grandson so I can get into a better position he sets him at the wall side between me and the wall so he can't turn around. I feel a slight cramp like an early stage of labour so it doesn't hurt as much yet. I thought it strange during my labour no one told me to shut up, but I was grateful.
Suddenly we heard a battle going on I was worried for my babies but I was full blown labour this was taking so long I scream"WHAT'S GOING ON!" "I think he's stuck push again" I groan tiring out now I fling my head back in exhaustion just then doors fling open the fighting gets closer I freak out for my son. "Take him dad. Take him Now!" He picks up my son and hides in the corner with him as I scream another painful contraction our cell door busts open "Liam, Lucas" I cry in joy." ANGEL," "baby what, what's going on." "Errggghhh what does it look like I'm having babies. AAAHHHH! Alejandro I need you to check it hurts." Dad brings my whimpering son over and my mates' eyes widen in shock then they growl at dad protectively. "NO, DON'T YOU DARE!" I yell at them "he's my father now AHHH HELP IDIOTS!" Dad tells them how to comfort me and goes to see what's happening. "Shit" "shit what, why shit" I panic. "It's alright cariño I just need the scissors" I groan as Lucas whispers his apology and Liam encourages me from behind I grab my thighs from behind and continue to push. I feel the baby leave me and throw my head over my mates' in exhaustion. I then freak out I didn here it cry. "Dad! Is it ok, whys he not crying TELL ME!" "T-the cord was wrapped around her neck cariño she's rather smaller than your son. I don't think she's breathing." My hand went to my mouth and tears flooded down "give, give h-her to me." I reach for my baby girl and he wraps her in a towel and passes her to me she's perfect her lips are blue though Lucas strokes her head.
I look up tears eyed and turn my body away shielding her from the menacing looking vampire I don't recognise. "Look King Nicholi we appreciate you finding our mate but we need alone time our little girls not well please leave." Liam asks this is the King of vampires. I don't like him he eyes my daughter. "GET OUT!" I find the scissors and throw them at him he zips to the side his movements freak me out with Liam holding our son and me with our daughter Lucas growls warningly to him and gets up from behind me. "I would just like to hold her, trust me I'm no fan of harming babies or children." "WHY ON EARTH SHOULD I TRUST YOU, LEAVE I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF VAMPIRES!" I scream in frustration. "I think we're done here your majesty please respect our mate's wishes she's only just delivered our pups." I hand Liam our little girl in the hope maybe her daddy can wake her up but she lays still in his arms not a breath I refuse to believe she's gone. I stroke her pale cheek "ok wakey wakey baby." I squeal when I hear roaring coming from my father and mate Liam tenses next to me and Lucas shifts my father still too weak to shift shifts his claws as the vampire lunges for me. I lean back in fear as he turns into Hey the same Raven from earlier it was him. He claws past my mates I scream and my baby boy cries in his father's arms not liking the sudden gust of wind on his face my mate tries to bite out at him whilst holding our babies. I swat the bird and get clawed in response. The bird chirps and rubs its head on our daughter I stop my mates' from doing anything now curious to what the vampire King plans on doing.
It lays its body on top of her towel rubbing his head all around her flapping his wings strange if you ask me but I notice her lips gradually turn pink and get excited and then everyone shouts in joy when she opens her eyes but doesn't cry she looks at the Raven on her and after three seconds pass she cries out and I slump back in relief I reach out for my baby and the Raven flies away out the cell. I looked into her blue eyes and I melted. "Hey what are we going to call them?" Lucas asked I glanced at dad, "Well if it's alright with you both dad and I already came up with middle names BUT you can give them their first names. I decided on Alejandro and Collette after mum and dad." My mates' kissed my cheeks "perfect baby I'm sure your mother would agree. Hmm Daniel" "sorry?" I asked Liam "Daniel Alejandro Dyer" I nodded slowly loving his name "perfect and our miracle baby?" After a few moments of silence Lucas excitedly said Rein Collette Dyer." "So Daniel and Rein perfect." I said admiring both my babies.

Lucas carried me as I secured the blanket around my waist and Liam and dad took the babies. "Rein's a Phoenix like her mother." Lucas whispered in my ear I looked up puzzled "she smells like you did before we mated, plus she's premature and our son is not he smells like a wolf." I had one of each "I don't care as long as Rein gets bigger and healthy besides I can show her how to be a Phoenix and you can teach our son how to be a great leader." "Angel I really am sorry I should never have left you alone, never have slapped you, I'm mostly sorry you went through this pregnancy and half their delivery on your own," "Shh I forgave you weeks ago but you will never lay a hand on me like that again GOT IT." I whisper yelled "yes angel I'll even allow you to chop off my hands." "Hmm not a bad idea I'll remember that." I joked as we got into a helicopter and to my surprise a doctor was immediately looking me over then our babies.

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