Chapter 2.

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Pic on left is Sky Alesha's Peregrine Falcon. Right is her sketch of Sky. Song from The Greatest Showman Come Alive.

Alesha's POV

I felt calm at peace so I knew I was being reborn my body felt the vibration I know now this is a trigger I will wake up. I gasp in air as I sit up typical the doctor never took me away to check me I'm still in the same spot I died in. You see I try and help and no one gives a dam why do I bother oh yeah my mother she loved her pack almost as much as she loved her daughters. I looked at my bruised chest rebirth heals my wounds but not entirely I still get bruises if I've been injured in death.
I rub my face with my hands and shakily get to my feet still a little dizzy but I blow out a large breath and it passes. I begin to make my way to my sister who's in the shelter I remove my ice barricade on  the door as it creeps open Sky's the first one out she circles back and lands on my left shoulder rubbing her head on the side of my face. Jazzy runs out after her. "Sissy they kill you didn't they?" I nod solemnly. "Yeah Jazzy and we lost some warriors again. I'm not good at this." Jazzy took my hand she could sense my bruised body so knew not to jump or be carried by me. "At least you did something" she replied. I took her hand. "Let's go to the hospital and see how the warriors are." We walked in silence to the hospital again my father wasn't here. Does he not care for his pack I'm trying and failing to do his job.
"Um Dr. Packor how many casualties do we have?" I knew he didn't respect me either this was my doing I didn't protect them fast enough I should've seen the other rogues coming and I didn't I'm an idiot. "He looked up when I spoke giving me a blank stare. "Why'd you want to know I've informed our Alpha, I think it's best for our pack if you both leave girl." I frowned and Jazzy began to throw a temper tantrum at him. I squeezed her hand and her furious face softened when she looked at me. "Let's go hun we'll not stress the warriors any further." "But they bully you." "It doesn't matter let's go Jazzy." I slowly pull her away and we leave the hospital when Sky joins me again she knows not to enter the hospital.
Our packs numbers are dwindling I'm not good at leading warriors into battle that's been proven several times. I wish my dad would stop fooling around and do the job I can't. I take Jazzy into the studio and she takes out her colouring book. Sky perches on her hanging perch above my desk in comfortable silence my sister and I colour and sketch I sketch Sky I don't like sketching or painting landscapes I prefer animal or people portraits I've even sold a few paintings but I've got a while to go before I'm a recognised artist. The painting I'm most proud of is that of our mother I framed it in a gold frame above my desk. As soon as mum was buried dad got rid of all the pictures of her he didn't want any reminders. So I draw and paint her from memory I've given several sketches of her to Jazzy because she doesn't want to forget her.
After an hour or so I gather Jazzy I'm healed now so I lift her and place her on my hip as I carry her back to the house I make her a peanut butter sandwich for lunch and leave her water. "ALESHA" my father bellows I notice Jazzy give me a scared look. "It's ok he won't hurt me when your finished your sandwich go to your playroom ok I'll join you when I'm free." "ALESHA COME HERE NOW!" He orders "go on hun." She hops off the stool and leaves for her play room. It's soundproofed so I know she won't hear us fight.

Warning ⚠️ will get abusive

Once I'm in dad's office he is perched on his desk he hasn't shaved in a week his eyes are sunken into his face. He's lost a lot of muscle mass and looks almost skin and bones. I knew to let him talk first I stood in front of his desk with a not bothered face. "You ARE A STUPID BITCH. YOU ENDANGERED MY PACK. 14 warriors are dead 18 injured WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!" I was sorry for my pack but enraged with my father's attitude. "I'm waiting girl." "I'm sorry they died because of me I only saw 20 Rogues coming the others were out of nowhere dad." He held his hand up and it came down hard on my left cheek knocking me off balance. "YOU'RE A BLOODY BIRD CAN YOU NOT OPEN YOUR GOD DAMN EYES!" I yelled back. "IM SORRY THEY DIED BUT IT IS'NT MY JOB IN FIGHTING ROGUES I'M TRYING TO DO YOUR JOB CAUSE YOUR NOT STEPPING UP. So can you just give me a break I'm not perfect I'm trying." My voice breaks at the end but I won't let him watch me cry. He sneered at me and growled lowly in warning. "You are to stay away from my warriors they don't need luggage like you weighing them down." I shook my head completely flabbergasted "but if I don't who will step up are you returning to Alpha." He snarled and his claws shifted I screamed feeling him slash my face with his claws I backed away from him wanting to hide. Get away from him I don't want anymore pain I've just been reborn think wisely about what you say to crazy dad. I bow my head in submission and with my one good eye quickly exit his office I dash back to my room my hand gently covering my scared face.
Once I lock my door my floodgates open I cry and wince my tears burning my wounds, I rub my nose as I go into my bathroom I grab my first aid box and take out the antiseptic I dab it onto a cotton pad and brace myself. For the first time I see the damage and gulp down my nausea. I want to cry more my face is disfigured it will take all night to heal completely I can't let Jazzy see me like this.
Once I painfully cleaned my face I lay back in my bed now in my pjs I know it's still early but I don't care I've had enough for one day. He's never attacked me before. I shouldn't pity myself but I can't help it I'm going to be stuck in this retched pack forever that's just great. We will no longer help this pack Alesha we protect Jazzy with our life, I know you feel the need to step in when he stepped back but I don't want my human to suffer anymore please no more trying. I get it Pearl but if I can't help my pack someone will and he won't be the Alpha he used to be.
Then a ballsy idea hit me. It's a long shot "Pearl what if I contacted the King and Queen if they'd hear me they'd whip the pack into shape, they'd wake our dad up." Hmmmppp like they'd hear from the likes of us we're nobodies remember.

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