Chapter 25.

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Liam and Lucas Christina and Lance. Song by Sam Smith For The Lover That I Lost.

Lucas's POV

"HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID!" I slam my fist into the wall feeling no pain as the brick grumbles around it. "We shouldn't of lost our temper." I give Liam a dumb look "you think?" I say sarcastically "Hey don't go off on me just because you lost control." "Well you didn't exactly stop me from hitting our angel did you?" Liam lunged for me and I tackled him to the ground punch after punch we were easily matched in strength and anger I let her down, I could feel her heart break through the bond I caused her heartache. "If you hadn't of hit her she'd still be with us. Now she's gone and hates us when are you going to control your dam anger." Liam punched my thorax but I didn't show my discomfort I moved my legs under his pinning him down. Until I was being held in a choke hold by our father it was only then I heard our mother screaming for us to stop I got off Liam and flipped my father off onto his back. "That's ENOUGH LUCAS, listen none of this is going to get Alesha back please son." My mother began to cry she had her right hand on my chest to stop me. "I know you are angry with yourself, with your brother but fighting won't get her back to you any quicker. You hate yourself well tell her that when we find her. Your angry good use it to find her, do not mistake you two are the only ones to care for Alesha she's my daughter and Jazzy needs her sister so put it aside and let's go find your girl ok." My shoulders slump I frown and give in 'mothers always know best'.
"Fine when is Richard going to wake the fuck up we need him to track Alesha's scent. Drake said something about vampires being involved we need to get in touch with King Nicholi they're his people if he wants to be such a silent leader then how come he can't keep a few parasites off our territory." "Now your thinking like a King son" my father patted me on the back as we left the broken up gym for our office. Sky and Jazzy flew our way. "Where's sissy? She told me to stay until someone came." "What else did she say Jazzy" Liam asked kneeling in front of her. She frowned "she said she'll never let them get me, through our link. I heard one fangy guy say he wanted me for a snack but the other one said he wouldn't like that. That's all I heard until Beta Lena found me. When's sissy coming back?" We frowned and ignored her question who the hell were the bloodsuckers talking about.

Alesha's POV

I heard the cell door open and I wanted to sleep some more the snores from my father made me wish to stay asleep. "GET UP!" I was rudely dragged out of the bed I glanced back panicking as my father just woke up and rushed to get me another vampire shut the cell behind us I heard my father howl all I could think was not to let monster hurt my baby. I could feel a slight headache but knew it was Pearl trying to break free you protect our baby Pearl, please hear me. I had to be careful not to anger him I want no harm for my unborn baby.

I was shoved inside what looked like a torture room chains with spikes hung from the ceiling a tall pool with steps up the side. Chests of all kinds of cruel things inside this place made me nauseous but I swallowed the bile down. I was shoved into the middle of the room and turned to leave but as the door shut there behind the door stood my monster. "Do you like my creation your idiot father was the first to christen it, I think it should come full circle with his daughter taking her place in it. To think you would be Queen one day hahaha that's a joke. Now let's get to work shall we." He walked up in front of me his left hand extended out in the direction of the chains that hung from the ceiling I shook my head and stepped back in fear. I screamed punching his back as he shoved me over his shoulder my stomach lurched protesting against his boney shoulder. I grunted as he threw me on the ground I twisted my body so I would land on my uninjured side.
"Now Alesha what would you like first good old fashioned whipping or stabbing maybe or maybe you fancy a swim oh that's right you never learnt well perfect place to begin don't you think?" I froze in fear not the pool "no please I I choose whipping please not the pool." "Oh too late you took too long to answer brat." He grabbed my hair I screamed in pain until he fell to his knees in pain I felt my stomach jolt "AAAHH YOU MOTHER FUCKING BITCH! That's it." That wasn't me it was my baby. I screamed as I was suddenly launched into the pool my worst fears come to light, I tried to shift to fly away but whatever they drugged me with was keeping Pearl away from me.
My shoulder hit the cold water first as I sunk below the surface I panicked my hands and legs flopping around to get air. My head bobbed up and down as I struggled to stay afloat. "Poor little Alesha Perez if only there was someone here who loved you. Your mates' saw how pathetic you were, now you will see." I gasped spitting out water that gets in my mouth my heart racing my limbs stung as the ice cold water was attacking my lungs I choked and not long after my weak body gave up I watched the turquoise aqua water engulf my body as I sung my lungs on fire.

I could hear faint shouting I think it was shouting but I felt Pearl WAKE UP OR THE BABY WILL DIE. She screamed I felt pressure on my chest my lungs still burning I had to get rid of this water, I began to cough as my eyes opened to my father giving me chest compressions. He lifted me up till I was sitting in front of him as he pushed my wet hair back. "You gave me a heart attack Cariño. I can't believe he drowned you as soon as you have your baby and we're free I'm teaching you how to swim." He hugged me as I clung to him for warmth. "I'm still pregnant right I mean you can still smell him." I feared the worst. "Shhh sí you are still pregnant that's one tough baby you have. Now calm down and rest yourself." All too soon a vampire came in with food it wasn't much just some rice chicken I reached for my bowl but my father took it and threw it against the wall. I shoved his chest "HEY I WAS GOING TO EAT THAT!" "I know that's why I threw it." I looked at him like he was possessed. "Ok why?" "It was poisoned, your meal had arsenic in it I'm not going to let them poison mi pequeña niña." My little girl. My face softened "thanks." "Here take mine it's not poisoned" "but you need it you have a higher metabolism than I do." "Don't argue with me and eat it if not for yourself for your baby." I didn't want him going hungry. "Alesha you will eat the food it's good for you I'll eat another time." He pushed his bowl over to me and nodded his head before looking outside the cell to see monster looking in and huffing off I guess he hoped I'd eat my meal and die. I took the spoon and greedily took mouthful after mouthful though I was still hungry I left the rest for my father I don't think they'll give him another meal. "What I'm full." I answer his silent concerned question, I feel a headache I know it's Pearl trying to come through though I know now she can't but it's comforting knowing she's trying I easily fall asleep again on my bed all I seem to want to do is sleep.

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