Chapter 23.

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Background is candle lit underground tunnel. Top Rogue vampire 1. Below far left is another rogue vampire right is Drake in wolf form below left is Richards wolf and right is the stalking rogue wolf. Alesha in tears. Wake me up sung by Ava Max.

Alesha's POV

Birds scattered from the sudden ruckus my heart was pounding I took Jazzy in my arms to stop her crying. "Shh I promise your going to be alright." I wasn't sure I would make it because I will protect my sister with my life I will not have her forcefully shift before her time. Using Pearl's sight I watched my guards shift with several other wolves from our pack I couldn't see my mates' they don't care but what about their pack do they not care for them I glanced at my ring and it made my heart ache. Vampire and rogues joined the fight I knew no matter how good my guards were they were going to loose against these numbers Drake managed to bite a vampire for almost choking him the vampire had a festering black wound and was enraged I jumped from my tree the fall didn't hurt as I ran to them Richard's wolf jumped over me taking out a rogue from my side. I threw a icicle at the vampire and it took the bate it's red cold eyes solely on my frightened form I shielded myself in my ice as he pounded against it the force made me scream in agony the force jolting my ribs my eyes glanced around to see both Drake, Richard lying panting and whimpering their battered bodies pooled with blood.

My distracted state was soon disrupted when an ear piercing scream left my lungs as my ice shield shattered around me leaving me weak on the ground as the vampire took out a needle the stalking wolf described by Lena earlier leaped infront of me tackling the vampire off his feet the wolf's fast movements took me by surprise it was even more skilled than my guards. I tried to stand but my body protested I gulped in air I felt like my rib was broken. I attempted to crawl away until I heard a whimper and I was startled as the rogue that jumped in to save me landed beside me whimpering his eyes looked so familiar they looked like mine. I screamed as my body was lifted from the ground by my hair the wolf growled at the vampire and shakily stood up until a vampire zipped up behind him injecting him with something into his neck. I linked Jazzy "stay hidden Jazz wait for someone from the pack to come for you. I promise we'll meet again." I shut off my link and forcefully threw my head back in the hope of head butting this asshole. I then used my ice gripped his arm around my throat as I tried to ice burn him. "Stupid foolish girl that won't work on me. Dalious take that other wolf with you he will be happy to have both of them." "What about the little girl I want a snack for the journey." I screamed trying to free myself my ribs on fire at my struggle they're not getting Jazzy. "No you fool we don't get paid if we harm her leave her." I stomped on the vampires foot he was shocked and let me go I began to run filling the skies with a snow storm until I tripped my Phoenix finally woke up and I began to shift that was when I felt a pinch and then blackness.

I heard muffled irate voices as I came to, I was in a ball my ribs hating my current position I groaned stretching my sore body on the cobbled ground I looked around to get my bearings I was in some kind of cell an old camp bed in front of me darkly lit cell I only saw candles outside was I underground I tried to look for a window but there where none. A groan came from my side but it wasn't me a startled scream left my lips as I saw a grey haired man heavily chained up at his wrists beside me. Our eyes met and his widened. "Do I know you?" He shook his head, no he was about to reply when the cell doors scraped open the sound sent shivers down my spine. Pearl I need you don't leave me now. She was eerily silent I panicked until I saw my father walk into the cell with a smug smile on his face. "I should've known you'd be behind this monster. No wander that vampire told the other one not to kill Jazzy as 'he wouldn't like it' I mimicked. "WHAT!" Good he's mad at someone else for a change. "Which one of you wanted to kill my daughter?" "It was Dalious sir." Sir why's a vampire afraid of my father I mean look at him he's practically skin and bones well not quite but I haven't seen him shift since before mum died so his wolfs bound to be terribly weak.
"Sir I didn't harm her I assure you I had no idea she was your daughter." I interrupted their weird ass moment. "I'm your daughter and you let them hurt and kidnap me and kill my guards." I folded my arms like a sulking child. "HUSH UP BITCH." My father came over to me and hunched down to whisper in my ear "you were never mine, how could you it made me sick everyday to raise someone else's abomination but I did it for my mate." I shook my head I refused to believe him. "You're lying you just never liked me because I lived and mother didn't." A rough slap hit my right cheek as an aggressive growl came from my right side the man chained up. "YOU'RE NOT MINE, YOUR MOTHER WAS A SLUT BEFORE SHE MET ME SHE HAD ALREADY IMPREGNATED HERSELF WITH THAT FOOLS OFFSPRING." He shouted to me but pointed to the man chained up next to me I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Think about it look at him he's you but your mother instead of getting rid of you agreed to come home with me to begin our lives without him as long as I went along with being your father. Do you have any idea who hard it was to watch her stomach grow knowing it wasn't my pup my wolf wanted to claw you out of her and gift her our pup but that wouldn't make her love me more would it?" I sat there in shock listening to how the man who raised me wasn't my father but the one next to me was.
"So that's why when I grew up you were cold and distant and you dotted on Jazzy so much." I was jealous of my little sister I love her to death but I was always envious of their bond. He nodded his cold head. "So now I'm here what do you want from me?" I looked palely at the floor. "Neehhh I'm not sure yet but making you suffer like I had to seems like a good way to go don't you think?" I refused to respond. "You will never harm her." The man sorry my so called real father yelled he had a thick Spanish accent and he was toned compared to my fake fathers skin and bones my real father looked healthy so why can't he break free.

I was left in my cell with my father the awkwardness was thick in the air. What do you say to a man who was supposed to raise you to happily stay in the background and let someone else raise their little girl. I frowned turning to him. "So you were that rogue that Lena saw earlier you hurt her you know." "I am sorry I was only trying to get to you, but she was a persistent one I give her that. She's a good fighter I'm glad she made you a good friend." I roll my eyes "hmmff why?" He looked into my eyes in confusion "why what?" I screamed in irritation "EEERRRGGGHHH WHY'D YOU LET THAT BASTARD RAISE ME. WAS I NOT GOOD ENOUGH, WAS IT THE FACT I WAS FEMALE YOU DIDN'T WANT ME. WHAT BULLSHIT REASON DO YOU HAVE TO ABANDON YOUR BABY BEFORE SHE WAS BORN. OH SHE'S SOMEONE ELSES PROBLEM NOW I GUESS IM OFF THE HOOK YIPEE!" I screeched out I watched his confusion turn to tears. "I never thought you a burden though you don't believe me I have always been near you. Before your f... before he destroyed my pack he ran into Collette and they became mates she told me the same day she was pregnant and going to raise my baby with her mate. I refused you were mine I told her I'd find a way to be there for you but she wasn't having it I foolishly let her run away with him. That night we were attacked by his entire pack. I was Alpha of a small Pack but we stood no chance against his numbers. I tried to follow your mothers retreating form but they were gone. I knew he sounded British so I traveled to London and searched for years I fought rogues pushed out of his pack to get information that was when I eventually ran to your packs territory. I saw you with Collette she was next to a waterfall you in her arms you were five at the time. My wolf Livious willed us to stay put and we just sat adoring our chick. I'm sorry I should've done more to be in your life but I didn't want to stress your mother out she found out I was watching you and as long as I kept my distance both from you and her mate she allowed me to watch from a distance. I'm sorry pequeño." Little one.

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