Chapter 15.

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Some of the trapped Phoenix's including Elena Rocas her Phoenix is the blue one bottom left. Song by Bryan Adams Get Off My Back Lyrics.

Alesha's POV

We silently left the cave to not give ourselves away. I saw the most and it made me absolutely sick to my stomach "she called to me, she called to me." I whispered to no one. "Who did angel?" I woke from my daze everyone was looking to me asking what happened with their eyes. "They were in cages, so many wings and humans." "
Esperene humanos, ¿qué vieron exactamente Alesha?" my cousin asked. "Vi Phoenix muerto y creo que fue una subasta. Vi humanos pujando." I then repeated myself in English but before I could my cousin stormed back inside the cave to be a good father I got in front of him and quietly "Si vas allí sin in plan seguro que lastimarán a time hija. Por favor, tenemos que volver afuera y formar un plan cuidadosamente ejecutado. O puedes correr allí como un maníaco y hacer que todos los maten." If you go in there without a plan they will for sure hurt your daughter. Please we need to go back outside and form a carefully executed plan. Or you can run in there like a maniac and get everyone killed. I pleadingly looked up at him. He sighed heavily before looking down at the floor nodding in surrender now this is a good father not the one I have.

"Ok what was all that about?" I sighed looks like I have a lot of translating to do. "I think it's an auction there were a lot of Phoenix's in small cages suspended in the air with humans shouting out prices I even saw the wings of dead Phoenix's, ah look the main thing is I think my far out cousin is still alive I think I saw her in one of those cages she looked right at me we have to free them and stop whatever this underground thing is cause it ain't right." My mates' looked proudly at me. "So what's the plan baby?" I felt encouraged not pressured like I always did with their support I felt I could do anything. "Ok so I think I get Sky to carefully grab the keys that are hanging on the wall whilst I slip in threw the hole in the ground as you all create a diversion and kill who you can but be careful they maybe hunters if there are hunters I'll use my powers to help y'all simple." "Sounds good everyone shift" Lucas ordered my cousin had no idea what was said but shifted once he saw everyone else doing it. I informed him of the plan and left them to go around to the other side of the cave and began to crawl inside Sky hopping behind me.

I peeped up threw the dark hole seeing all the humans sitting on benches I was off to the left I knew the warriors and my mates' would all be in wolf form waiting for my signal. I patted my shoulder and Sky flew into it I pointed to the keys on the wall then signalled for her to bring them back but to be quiet. I nodded my head and she flew off low to not be seen. I turned my attention back to the auction they used pullies too move the cages and then they moved the girl I suspected to be my relation she looked directly at me as if she knew I'd be there I gave her a hopeful smile and she turned her icy gaze back onto the crowd as they began bidding for her Sky flew back to me with the keys in her talons. I put my hand on the top of my hole and watched the floor completely turn to ice I felt my crazy thoughts as my snow storm began to turn up the heat humans were starting to freak out I saw Yup hunters with electric prodes come out then I was shocked when my relative in the cage blasted them with water she's a water Phoenix that's why I could hear her call for help our powers are closely related. I jumped out of my hole and my mates' led the charge from the other side people were screaming in fear trying to go for any exit they could find I froze all the doors these people bid on my kind to kill them for fun ain't no way I'm letting them go anywhere. Sky began pecking into hunters eyes whilst I shifted my wings and flew up finding the right lock and unlocking my cousins cage her beautiful blue Phoenix burst out creating tsunamis around the hunters drowning them. Meanwhile I freed the hostages, my mates' were taring into anything they could get their fangs into.
I saw a second wave of hunters silently approach them from behind and shifted Pearl was pissed she screeched and ice spears fell all around my mates' taring into the hunters flesh killing them. They howled to me in thanks the more we fought the more hunters began to fire at us my cousin was weak she didn't look like she had eaten in some time I watched her water power disappear inside her and she collapsed on the ground her father went to help but I flapped my wings squawking at him as if saying I'll help her you help them.
I shifted back and lifted her head onto my lap a hunter tried to zap me from behind I cocooned us in an ice igloo. I began to sing the healing incantation and watched her cheeks turn pink again as she gasped for air. She sat up and looked back to me. "Eres mi prima, me salvaste gracias. ¿Queín eres tú?" Your my cousin, you saved me thank you. Who are you? I hugged her I didn't even know her and I loved her like a sister "soy Alesha, ¿cómo te llamas?" I'm Alesha what's your name? "Soy Petrona Rocas." We giggled as if forgetting the fight going on behind us. When we turned our heads to see a sea of dead human hunters and buyers Phoenix's standing around in shock whilst Petrona and I sat there facing an awe struck father "PADRE" Petrona ran to her crying father he couldn't believe he got her back. I smiled at the lovely scene as my mates' were human and naked standing in front of me I turned my head away blushing as they laughed and hauled me onto my feet again before surrounding me in their scents hugging me I was still trying not to think of the fact their ah members were poking me right now. "Can't you ever find clothes." Liam looked back to me "nah where would be the fun in that baby when you clearly enjoy the view." I groaned rolling my eyes wanting to be far away from them right now but at the same time I wanted them closer, what is wrong with me. It's the mate bond silly it's trying to complete the bond by making you horny. Aaahhhh well it can stop how humiliating.

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