A Dying Tree

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Your POV

It had been a week since the whole Dragon Hunter incident and everyone is still shaken up by it.
Some more than others.

During the week, patrol shifts had doubled, everyone's guard had increased and no one was talking about much else.
I couldn't blame them, I hadn't spoken much since the whole incident, maybe only a few sentences and words to everybody. My lack of talking had started to concern my brother, Astrid and Hiccup, no matter how many times I assured them I'm okay.

Truth is, seeing Ryker and remembering something from before I was living at Berk had shaken me to the core. Especially considering that said memory had both Ryker and a person named Viggo.

I wanted, needed, answers. But if I flew off to Berk without a reason that would cause questions and I didn't need anything of that multitude right now.

And after a week I was still trying to piece together how my father, a simple trader, was related to Dragon Hunters and that made me want to go Berk even more. But I still didn't have a good reason, until now.

"Guys! Guys!" Fishlegs called while running into the Clubhouse, snapping me out of my thoughts and making me turn to him.

"What is it Fishlegs?" Hiccup asked, confused as to why Fishlegs had run into the Clubhouse with so much energy.

"I think I just found the formula to Gronkle Iron, but I need someone to go get Gobber as I need to make sure I got it right." He explained to everyone and I knew this was my chance to go to Berk for a valid reason.

"I'll go," I told him while getting up from my seat, much to my brother's surprise.

"Wait, since when are you one to go and pick up someone Y/n?" Dracul questioned as he got up from his seat as well.

"Huh? Can I not go pick up everyone's favourite blacksmith?" I answered with a question and he was taken aback by my question.

"Uh-- Well-- It's Just-- Never mind." He stuttered out and I went to pack a small bag for the few days I'll be staying at Berk.

As I was walking over to my hut I felt a gust of wind blow past me, as well as a blur as red and I, look to see Mischief fly up towards the clouds, in a rush it seems, wonder why?
My question is soon answered when I heard multiple Terrible Terrors from behind me, I turn my head to see a pack flying towards me in a frenzy.

"Oh, Thor," I muttered and I dropped to the floor as the flock of Terrors flew overhead and towards the direction that Mischief flew.
After all the Terrors a flown overhead I got up and watched them chase Mischief as I continued to walk to my hut, with a smile on my face at the event.

Just as I got to my hut Mischief had landed in front of the door and turned to the flock of Terrors while growling. After a second he had roared loudly and with authority at the flock, causing all of them to stagger and stop. Mischief roared again, causing the Terrors to fly off, all skittish at him as I laugh.

"What did you do this time, Mister?" I asked as I got on one knee and he got on his hind legs to hug me.

After a few seconds, I pulled away from the hug and stood up with a smile.

"How would you like to go to Berk for a few days?" I ask him, the question he started spinning around excitedly while singing happily.

"I'll take that as a yes." I chuckle while opening the door to get into my hut to pack a satchel for the flight.


Once I had told Nyra what we were doing, much to her happiness to go back to Berk, and had finished grabbing the necessary items, while putting them in my satchel I had walked back to the Clubhouse to say 'bye' to Dracul.

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