Flight and a Nest.

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1st Person POV

I was sitting on my bed while Dracul unwrapping my bandage on my ankle, he put some putting ointment on it and rewrapped it.
Just as he finished he heard the door swing open and someone storm upstairs, I look over and see Astrid approaching me with a look of anger on her face. 

"Excuse me." She told us as she grabbed my wrist and drag me down the stairs.
"Thank you!" She yelled to Dracul as she dragged me into the forest. 

"Where are we going exactly?" I ask her as I was still being dragged through the forest.

"To find out what Hiccup is doing and how it got so 'good', I want you to come because I trust you a lot" She answered as her grip loosened on my wrist, I also realize that Astrid had her ax in her other hand. 

I was hopping a little bit to take tension off my right ankle, but I started running to try to work it to pump the blood in it so it would heal better.

She took me down to the cove and we sat on a rock, while Astrid sharpened her ax I just drew with a stick on the rock.

After some time I heard Hiccup talking to himself while walking this way.

"We're leaving. Let's pack up. Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation, forever. Ah, man..."

He walked over to the rock Astrid and I was sitting on, not seeing us, and begin to put something into the basket on the ground. Astrid, however, sharpened her ax extremely loudly causing Hiccup to look up at her while jumping back in surprise.

"Aggh! What the-- What are you doing here?" Hiccup stuttered out as Astrid throws the rock away and jumps down to him.

"I want to know what's going on. No one just gets as good as you do. Especially you. Start talking! Are you training with someone?" Astrid asked him threateningly as Hiccup stutters out an incoherent sentence while walking backward.

"It better not involve this!" Astrid told him while grabbing the vest sort of thing he was wearing.

Something falls down further away, this caused Astrid to gasp and push Hiccup over. Astrid steps on him, he gets up looks at me and I shrug my shoulders. 

Hiccup runs forward trying to stop the discovery of the Night Fury.

"I know this looks really bad, but you see...this is, uh... You're right! You're right! You're right. I'm through with the lies. I've been making... outfits. So, you got me. It's time everyone knew. Drag me back. Go ahead. Here we go." Hiccup lied while putting her hand on his chest, to distract Astrid so she doesn't see Toothless.

Astrid bends Hiccup's arm backward, making an audible cracking noise, forcing him to the ground and I cringe from the noise. 

"OW! Why would you DO that?!" He yelled in pain as he grabs the injured arm on the ground.

"That's for the lies." She told him bitterly.

"Astrid, calm down don't hurt him more." I reasoned, knowing Toothless was watching.

"Y/N can you h-" Hiccup started to say but as he started, Astrid dropped the handle of the ax on him.

"And THAT'S for everything else." She finished, as I got off the rock after a growl was heard causing everyone to freeze.

"Oh, man." Hiccup said in pain while I helped him up and he silently thanked me for it, causing me to smile slightly.

We look back at the rocks, where the growling was heard, to see Toothless start running this way. Astrid tackles Hiccup to the ground and she gets up with her ax ready to swing at Toothless.

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