Can't Breath

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Second Person POV

"Bring it to me. Hold 'em back now." A hunter's voice rings out in the dark of night, and sounds of dragons whimpering, roaring, and growling carry in the slight breeze.

An orange and pink Gronckle bites the cage causing another hunter to bang the enclosure, starling the dragon and causing it to whimper. 

"Get back, you filthy lizard!" The hunter growls before turning to another, "hey, you there, keep those cages moving!"

A purple ball of fire then hits the side of a ship, causing all to jump and turn to see the fire. Archers then aim at the sky though they couldn't see where it came from before another purple ball hits the same ship.
Multiple dragon roars echo throughout the night, and the hunters become surrounded by dragon riders.

"Dragon Riders. Take cover!" Was the last clear thing said before the roar of the flames took over.


Laughs echo through the forest as dragons fly around, weaving between trees at high speeds. A Nadder chirp is followed by a Scuttleclaw chirp while the shadow of a Stormcutter flies over the forest where they are.

"Get 'em, Mischief!" You yell, and the Terrible Terror dives into the forest while you and Nyra shadow the riders.

After a few seconds, Ryu appears out of the forest with Mischief. Your brother huffs before Mischief twirls down back into the woods. Meanwhile, Ryu pulls back to Nyra, taking the position of your wingman.

"C'mon, we need to knock her off her saddle!" You exclaim before Nyra growls in agreement, speeding up before Dracul smirks before Ryu catches up.

Astrid had playfully let Stormfly distract Ryu by sending spines flying in his general direction, meaning he got caught by Mischief, which extends to you. Because of this move, Astrid was able to get further ahead. Dracul nor Ryu weren't allowing it.

Dracul looks to you before communicating through the hand signals you both made for certain similar situations. Both you and Dracul smirk before Nyra turns away while Dracul and Ryu head down into the forest with Mischief.

While your brother and Mischief chased Astrid, herding her towards you, Nyra glides into a small cave. Luckily there was only one way in or out, and Ryu would block that way so you could tag her.
Nyra hung from the ceiling, holding herself close while you hid on her stomach as the chirps got closer.

Meanwhile, Mischief looks over to Dracul as they weave in and out of trees during their high speeds chase. The rider signals for Mischief to try to herd Stormfly east, knowing that the cave you were hiding in was there. The Titan Wing chirps before peeling away to force Stormfly east.

Ryu chitters before firing to the side of Stormfly, causing the Nadder to squawk as Astrid looks at him with a playful glare. Dracul then acted like he didn't see a thing, playing with his hair and looking away. Astrid laughs while rolling her eyes and facing forward.
Stormfly then picks up Mischief's scent in front of her, shaking her head in perking up her crown to let Astrid know. Astrid then notices a cave, knowing she could lose the trio. Astrid has Stormfly spiral upwards while flipping around.

Dracul smiles as the fleeing duo flies past while Dracul comes to a quick stop, blasting himself upwards before following. Dracul sees a flash of blue go into the cave before he gently pulls on the saddle, letting Ryu know to guard the entrance.

Nyra holds out one of her free wings, allowing you to hold on to her claw as Nyra hears Stormfly approaching. You heard Stormfly holding fire in her mouth, noticing the light getting closer as Nyra extended her wing. Stormfly then sees but you let go quicker allowing you to land behind Astrid and tag her.

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