Following the Leader

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Your POV

"You're sure you two don't want to come?" I asked Astrid as we walked to the Clubhouse, Hiccup and I were going on the adventure he promised with Astrid and Dracul heading to Berk for something but I'm pretty sure it was to make sure the A-team was up to scratch.

"Yeah, besides it'll be nice to spend time with Dracul." Astrid answered, I smirked at her answer.

"Oh, I'm sure it will be." I told her in a playful voice, nudging her a bit. She then nudges me back with a smile.

"Y'know I could be talking about you and Hiccup, going for a flight alone." She responded, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Hey! That's not what it is!" I defended to her, causing her to laugh playfully as we reach the Clubhouse.

I see the twins and Snotlout playing cards, Fishlegs was with Meatlug while going through his dragon notes and adding more to his cards. Hiccup and Dracul were talking in the corner about something, Toothless saw me and ran over to greet myself and Astrid.

"Hey Toothless." I greeted while rubbing his head, he licks myself then nuzzles Astrid before running past to Nyra, Stormfly and Mischief.

"We were wondering when you two would get here." Dracul told us, causing me to look back to see Dracul and Hiccup approaching us.

"Well, we should get going." Dracul announced to us and Astrid nodded before putting an arm around my shoulder, I put an arm around her shoulder as we had a side hug.
We let go of each other and Astrid goes to stand next to Dracul.

"Have fun and be safe." Dracul told Hiccup and I, they whistled for their dragons and once they got onto their backs they took off to Berk.

Hiccup  turned to me as I turned to him.

"Ready to go?" He asked me, obviously excited to go but he wouldn't admit it.

"Born ready." I responded, he nodded before turning to everyone else while I got onto Nyra.

"One more time. While we're gone, we all agreed that Fishlegs will be handling things." Hiccup reminded them, we had the conversation about it last night but this was just to be safe.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure." Snotlout responded, brushing him off due to his concentration going into the card game he's playing.

"Okay." Ruff said.

"Yeah. Everything you say is something that we'll listen to." Tuff mumbled to himself, it was loud enough so we could hear it though.

Fishlegs looked over at us with an smile, nodding to us before Hiccup gets onto Toothless and we take off.

"Where are we heading to?" I asked Hiccup as we took to the clouds.

"Well I was thinking we go west, we haven't explored much in that general area." Hiccup answered, I smiled at him while nodding.

"Sounds good. Lets go!" I cheered as Nyra roared over at Toothless before diving downwards to glide across the ocean.


We had gone by many islands and were joking or racing the whole time but we knew that it was time to go back to the Edge, due to the fact that Astrid and Dracul were gone for two days and that there was less of us.

It was early afternoon and we were a few minutes away from the island.

"Hey!" I called out to Hiccup and Toothless, they both looked at me with a curious look.

I kneel down and pat Nyra to grab her attention, she tilts her head to show that she's listening.

"Wanna race them?" I whispered to her, knowing that even if she wasn't that playful with all the other dragon she was more open and relaxed with Toothless and Mischief.

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