Snowy Secrets

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Your POV

We were testing another batch of Gronckle Iron dragon armour for our fight against the Hunters, this was test two because the other batch was scrapped because it didn't hold up in flight for Toothless.

Fishlegs was firing the hooks, Twins were firing nets and Snotlout was firing barrages of arrows, this was all to replicate a fight against the Dragon Hunters. I would be quite upset if the armour didn't work 'cause it takes a while to set everything up.

"Net!" I hear Hiccup yell out, snapping me from my daze and seeing Toothless fly up out of the way with the armour starting to break apart.

"This batch isn't holding apart," I mumble to Dracul, who was standing next to me as we observe the armour to see where exactly where it goes wrong.

"Hooks!" Hiccup called out to Toothless as he went and dodged the hooks being fired and the armour seemed to hold up this time.

"It's not flexible enough and way too heavy," Dracul commented as Snotlout aimed the first barrage of arrows and Fishlegs reloads the hooks.

"Arrows!" Hiccup called out again as Snotlout fired multiple barrages of arrows with Fishlegs firing more hooks.

Toothless flew up towards the sky and the armour started shaking and breaking apart.

"There it goes!" I celebrated sarcasm all through my statement.

Snotlout then sees an opportunity to hit Toothless with a single arrow and aims an arrow right at his chest, he fires and the noise alerted Hiccup because he looked down at the arrow flying towards Toothless.

"Look out!" Hiccup called out, but it was too late and the orange paint in the tip of the arrow got onto Toothless, with the culprit making themselves very obvious with their celebration.

"Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi-Oi-Oi!"

"Nice shot, Snotlout." Hiccup sighed, but Snotlout shot another arrow at Hiccup and he had orange paint all over his chest. Snotlout started laughing but his laughter was stopped when Toothless fired a plasma blast in front of him and he flew back from the force.

"Ow!" Snotlout groaned from the ground and I laugh before helping everyone pack away the training equipment.


By the time we had finished packing away everything it had become night and we were all standing on the landing strip, discussing what went wrong with the Gronckle Iron dragon armour, well most of us because Astrid was heading to Berk to help her parents with something.

"Ugh! I thought we had it this time." Fishlegs groaned, holding some pieces of the armour to inspect what might've gone wrong.

"Hey, this batch of Gronckle Iron armour lasted longer than the last one." Hiccup assured him, meaning they were closer to finding the right formula.

"I mean it started bending and shaking when you started moving around extremely fast, plus broke apart when you were flying upwards. Around when the nets started firing." Dracul commented, giving his analysis on what happened from his and I point of view.

"Yes, but not long enough. Wait, unless you wanted Hiccup to get shot down." Tuff stated dramatically, starting to eye Fishlegs with suspicion.

"Interesting hypothesis, brother," Ruff commented, also eyeing Fishlegs suspiciously.

Then out of nowhere Tuff stormed up to Fishlegs and pointed an accusing finger at Fishlegs, surprising Fishlegs.

"Why are you trying to kill Hiccup?!" Tuff yelled to him, Fishlegs staggered back a little at his accusation. 

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