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Your POV

I was heading out of the village today to go collect some food for Dracul, Astrid, and myself. I went to find some apples in the woods and then to the docks to grab some fish. 

Well, that was the plan until Hiccup grabbed me and dragged me away towards his hut. Once we went through the back door to reveal a basket full of fish and something wrapped up. He grabbed the brown object and turned to me.

"Can you help me carry this to the cove please?" He asked already heading for the back door.

A put a hand on my face and breath out deeply, "If I do help what do I get out of it? huh?"

"Well uh a favor from me and uh a friendship with Toothless?" He told me and I could hear the uncertainty in his voice at asking me a question like this.

"Fiiiiinnnneee" I whined playfully, though dragging out the answer as I pick up the basket of fish and swing it over my back with ease.


"Hey, Toothless. We brought breakfast. We hope you're hungry. Okay, Uh... we've got some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod, and a whole smoked eel." He said but I froze before opening it when he said eel. 

"Wait did you say eel?" I asked him and he looked at me confused.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Dragons are scared of eels, Hiccup." I explain but I was very sure he would doubt me, which he did.

"I really don't believe that, Y/N." He told me with an eyebrow raised.

'Alright if I prove him wrong again I want something out of this one.' I thought to myself

"If I'm right I get 5 mackeral and if you're right I'll give you 5 mackeral, deal?" I asked putting my hand out, he did contemplate for a minute.

"Fine." He answered as he shook my hand I kicked the basket over to reveal the fish and the eel.

Toothless sniffed around for a bit to find the eel and I see him growl and back away in fear from the eel. He roars and backs away as Hiccup panicked, I quickly grabbed the eel and threw it far away.

"Yeah, I don't like eel much either buddy." I said picking up a fish to try to give it to him.

He seemed curious looking to see if I had any weapons on me, which thankfully I didn't. He seemed to be okay with me already, so I gave him the fish and scratched his head which he seemed to enjoy a lot.
I look to see Hiccup had sat on his tail to put some sort of tail fin on him as Toothless ate the rest of the fish.

I turned around to pick up the basket once Toothless finished the fish, as I went on one knee I felt a big gush of wind fly over me I look up to see Toothless flying with Hiccup on his tail. 

They started plummeting towards the rock I got concerned but saw Hiccup pull the fin out so they could fly. I looked in wonder as they flew up and around back down here.
Toothless must've known Hiccup was on him as he flung him off his tail and they both landed in the water as I started laughing.


Smoke entered the arena as I was circled into it on my own with no partner as I heard Gobber start talking.

"Today is about teamwork. Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other head lights it. Your job is to know which is which." Gobber tells us as smoke surrounds us and I'm by myself.

The Adventurous (HTTYD Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now