Fight them, not each other!

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Your POV

"Ha!" Dracul yelled out as he stuck his sword against mine and caused a loud clash of metal.

We were training in close range combat, instead of aerial combat, and it was best of three with Dracul having one round to him.
He had the advantage but that was part of the plan this time, play defensive until there is a chance to get the upper hand. 

Dracul struck his sword to the right of me and I block it with one of the blades before he spun around to strike the left side. I got ready but halfway he switched and went to strike back on the right side, I ducked under it in surprise but then punched the side of one of his knees. Causing him to lose his footing and stumble back.
I get up quickly to disarm him but he recovered quickly and blocked it, while still regaining his balance.

'There it is.'

I then started striking down on him; left, right, torso and head. As I quickly struck at him he started going backwards, but in the ferocity that I was attacking in, he could barely keep up.

I got him into a sword lock before putting his sword into a circular motion and got his grip on his sword weakened, allowing me to strike at him once more before doing what I did just before and disarming him.

He got into a sparring stance with an unsure look, yet determined as well.

"Give up?" I questioned playfully, but knowing him he won't give up till the end.

"I could do this all day." He stated before I did a stabbing motion and he step to the left swiftly and went to punch my side. I spun around it to avoid getting hit before throwing away my sword so it was a fair fight.

He goes to punch my head but I ducked down and punch his stomach, successfully winding him. I then wrap one of my legs around his and stand up fully before taking out his leg, having him land on his back.

"I win," I told him as he scrunched his eyes close while huffing and puffing then opened them to reveal a playful glint in his baby blue eyes.

"Sure, sure." He tells me as I get off him and stand up as he stands up as well, brushing the dirt off his clothes.

"Gotta admit, I'm getting better." He said to me as he runs a hand through his black hair, sweating most likely.

"Yeah, your fighting style is somewhat similar to Astrid's y'know." I explained to him, causing him to snort slightly.

"Yeah, well. Gotta take what you get when sparring the both of you." He told me, meaning he takes what Astrid and I do and change it to suit him.

"Wanna go round three?" I challenge, causing him to laugh lightly while still puffing hardly.

"Yeah. Just give me a minute." He said, walking over to a sleeping Ryu as they had night patrol last night and Fishlegs had taken over for him, due to the lack of sleep he was getting and how unhealthy it was.

"Hey!" I heard someone call from above and I look up to see Hiccup and Toothless flying down towards us. Once he landed I saw he had a Terror mail.

"What's up?" I questioned him as he looks distressed.

"Johann's being attacked by Dragon Hunters." He tells us, causing Dracul to get up from his spot and walk over to hear more.

"So we're going to help I'm guessing?" I asked him but he only shook his head in response.

"No. You two are staying here with Astrid and the twins, to protect the Edge while Fishlegs, Snotlout and I go help, Johann." He explained, but it didn't make sense to keep most of us here.

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