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"How does it look chat?"

"I would've preferred it near a lava lake, but this was already a good area

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"I would've preferred it near a lava lake, but this was already a good area..." I said

The chat seemed pretty amazed with the house, saying it looked awesome and cool.

Yeah- It does look good. But little did they know the pain I had to go through while making this place...

I don't really want to scroll up in my game chat to see all the death messages from hoglins...
Which reminds me- I need to put more warped fungus mushrooms around to prevent them coming anywhere near my house....

"Which reminds me.... I wanted to ask a pretty weird and dumb question to you chat..." I began to say "But I was thinking of getting some type of pet. But, pets and the nether don't mix very well.... What do you all suggest me getting?"

The chat began saying many ideas. Passive mobs mostly, rarely there was anything being said about aggressive mobs.

But just then while I was reading chat... I saw a mob that interested me to have as my pet....

"...How about a strider, chat?" I asked "They're in the nether, so that won't be too troubling... And I find them actually pretty cute. Plus- easy transportation"

Chat actually seemed to like the idea despite it being no ones general suggestions. Actually, now that it was brought to light- more and more people started to enjoy the idea.

"Okay- but that means we need a name... What do we name the strider chat? I'm not creative. I might end up calling it squidward"

Many names were spammed in the chat. But, none of them interested me that much, so I couldn't pick. That and I couldn't read any of the damn names being spammed because my chat was going too fast.

Maybe I should set it to slow mode?

"We'll figure it out eventually. But in the meantime.... Let's go find a strider..." I mutter "Though, I'm going to travel through the overworld- I'm not confident enough to do nether travel... Less of a risk that way"

With that being said, I headed into my house to go to my chest room.
I began to search the chests to try and find some slime balls and a few bits of string, as well as some obsidian and a flint & steel.

Need to craft a lead.
And I need obsidian for the portal + the flint and steel to light it.

I let out a sigh.
"God- I need to organize my chests more..."

After two minutes of searching, I finally found the items needed to craft the lead.

I headed over to the crafting table in the centre of the room and crafted a lead.

"Kay- kay- letsaa go-"

I exited the crafting menu and began walking to the portal that linked my house with the overworld.

After waiting a few moments, I was sent back to the overworld and began to walk.

"This will take a while- so feel free to ask me questions" I tell my chat

For the time being, I talked with my chat about- anything really. Random Q&A stuff. Like- hobbies, favorite colors, favorite foods.... And most importantly thoughts on certain members of the SMP.

Many people seemed interested in knowing my thoughts on Tommy especially.

"Yall are weird-" I laughed "But- uhh... yeah. Tommy is really something special, isn't he?"

Chat agreed.

"He's especially hard working- He's my age and already accomplished so much with life. It's amazing that he's where he is now in the world for just being... uhmm... well- a more energized version of himself?" I admitted "Now- don't get me wrong. Tommy is a child who is loud, annoyingly funny, and annoying in general.... But he's a cool person to allow himself to be... himself. Even with all the fame he's gotten, he doesn't let it get to his head..."

I wonder how he's able to stand tall even through all of the troubles...
I wonder how he's able to look forward... almost always with a smile...

Sometimes, I wonder how he does it...

After my little 'confession', chat seemed surprised that I was the same age of Tommy.

"Yes- yes chat. I am a minor, I am British and I beat Dream in a PvP duel. I am the definition of a pog champ" I grinned

'...hmmm, more people in chat than usual today. Strange.'

After walking a few thousand blocks in the overworld, I finally decided to set down my obsidian portal.

"Let's hope that this is far enough to find a lava lake with some striders..." I muttered out

Once all the obsidian was set, I lit the portal with my flint and steel. I then moved my character in and the portals familiar purple hues and swirls began to make me dizzy once more.

Upon getting to the other side, I saw a advancement appear in chat.

U/N has made the advancement [A Terrible Fortress]

"wait- what??" I began to laugh

After my chunks loaded in, I walked out of the portal to see that I was indeed in a nether fortress.

I literally spawned in a nether fortress.
That's pretty cool.

My amusement was cut off when I suddenly saw a bit of movement in the corner of my eye.
Turning to face it, I saw... something quite shocking.

I saw- what I think was Technoblade fighting off about.... maybe 9 or 10 wither skeletons-


And with that, I turned around, entered the portal once more and arrived back in the over world.

I then leaved the portal, pulled out my pickaxe and started to mine away at a piece of obsidian.
The whole time, I was silent. I didn't say another word.
But when I finally was able to break the obsidian and the portal shattered... I finally spoke.

"Let's ignore that- ignore all that- that never happened- that never-- pft-- hahahaAHAHA!" I broke into a laughing fit "seriously... what are the chances of that..."

Oh god- just imagine trying to take on all those mobs.... I mean- it's Technoblade and he has enchanted netherite armor and tools- but still.... That would be very annoying to deal with.

"I don't know if I should keep looking for a strider today, I might end run into Dream next or some stupid shit like that" I muttered

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