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"Ohhh shittt... I slept through that? ohhhh...ahhaah....!!"

I had to check the Dream SMP discord server once more to find out why pretty much everyone was on the server as of this moment.

Apparently there was some big lore thing that has been or was going on!

So- in a small summary, apparently Tommy blew up the community house. It's one of the oldest buildings on the SMP to date and now they're having a little scrap at the now destroyed building.

I want to watch- but I'm not very sure if it'd be alright for me to just waltz right in there unannounced.

Well- I mean... Dream mentioned that I was allowed to briefly before, but I would feel a bit rude.... Maybe if I just watched one of their streams?

I knew Technoblade was streaming the SMP on Youtube, and my top recommended streaming right now on Twitch is lé Tommyinnit.
Flipping a coin on whos pov to watch- the results told me to watch Tommy's stream.

Clicking on his channel, I brought his twitch up onto my other monitor and let the stream play as I walked around in game.

Right now, pretty much everyone was fighting Technoblade while Tommy fought with Tubbo.... from what I could tell anyways- it's hard to say when you see the screen spazz every other second.

hmmm.... now that I look at the stream more it makes me realize something...

It's been quite a long time since I even saw Tommy's face. It's-- kinda weird after all this time.
Usually when scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, or on rare occasions: Tumblr.... I'd see pictures of him or some of the other minecraft youtubers. Edits or just posts from the youtuber themselves, I haven't seen a live feed of face cam in so long.

His blonde hair was like how I remembered, a little ruffled but not completely messy. Because of the tone and quality of his camera, I could barely make out his blue eyes. Tommy wasn't smiling, he had his serious roleplaying face on-- since he was in the middle of roleplaying.

"THE DISCS WERE WORTH MORE THAN YOU EVER WERE!!" Tommy shouted, hitting Tubbo's minecraft character with his axe.

Well- this stream is already off to a fantastic start for my eyes and ears...!

After saying this, everyone was quite surprised and baffled. And after a while, Tommy realized what he said was wrong and decides to do what he thinks is for the best.

"I'm... I'm sorry... Tubbo..." Tommy said, expression full of regret "...give him the disc"

"...huh? a-are you sure?" Tubbo asked, shocked.

Tommy silently nodded.
"Give him the disc"

Tubbo then went into an enderchest located conveniently next to him, taking out the disc 'mellohi' all before finally tossing it over to Dream.

Dream then begins to laugh, and thanks Tubbo.

Tommy then seemed to be going through a mental breakdown... apologizing over and over again to Tubbo, saying that he was a bad friend... etc.

And to conclude everything after that-- Tommy decides to go back onto Tubbo's side- betraying Technoblade. Then Techno and Dream join up and publicly announce their attack on Manberg tomorrow at 3PM.

There might've been some-- uhh... errors during that time, but it's whatever!

Currently, the sun was going down (in game) and I somehow ended up in Manberg.
I ended up walking past the community house, griefed beyond repair.

"Oh god- the community house took an L" I muttered out loud to myself.

I continued walking through the place, taking in all the sights before it gets destroyed by Dream and Technoblade tomorrow at 3pm whatever the amarican timezone is...
I can't say I'll really miss this place, I wasn't an official member--- plus, all the good memories were gone after the first war... in my opinion anyways.

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now