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The time has finally come.

My final day on the SMP.

All the adventures and interactions have been fun. It's sad it has to come to an end so early, but at least the experience was memorable.

I was able to meet and talk to so many interesting and amazing content creators. It's like an MC's dream come true!

Right now, I was at my final hour of streaming. Chat was asking me questions, donating things to me, spamming emoji's.... It was the usual.
But, a lot more people were asking about my final day on the SMP.

"Well you lot, we have to make the most of our final day here... So let's just go around since it's the final hour" I say

Just like when I started the stream, I tried my best to stay away from buildings I've constructed and such. I was simply just going to walk through Manberg in my final moments, enjoying the sights from above...

I ended up stopping at a nice place and admired everything below. I had my shaders on, since this world looked really beautiful with shaders. And also, I just thought it'd be really nice to just have my last stream be one to remember.

In more ways than one.

"Just look at this place... Truly a work of art" I smiled.

Being here in person-- well, as much in person as you can be... But being here- being apart of the REAL thing and not just seeing it in some copy survival world.... It amazes you. It really makes you feel special.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked myself "I've met so many great people.... People I'd love to call friends...."

But, no matter how much I'd love to think that. Everything will go back to how it was before once I don't have access to the SMP anymore... I'll be an outsider again.

"Such a shame that luck runs out so quickly.... I would've enjoyed another week or two on here..." I muttered

Seriously, I've still haven't met everyone on the SMP... I've met the main people, but it would've been nice to meet everyone. Even with the people I've met, I never really get to talk to many of them a lot because of lore and plot reasons... 
Even with things in my lore, only a few of them would help take part in it.

People like Dream, Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno, Tommy.... And some others too, but those were the main people.

A short and quiet laugh escapes me.
"Man.... I'm really going to miss this place"

I continued to stare down at Manberg's landscape, humming along with the music I had in the background.


I felt myself perk up at the voice. Since... I knew it all too well.... After a quick glance over to my discord, I saw Tommy had joined my call.

I quickly turned off my background music.

"Yes, Tommy?" I questioned

"Turn around" Tommy says

Wha--- He- he wasn't behind me, was he..? (;¬_¬)

Curious, I turned my Minecraft characters head slowly around and I came face to face with the one and only: Tommyinnit.

Y'know what? What was I expecting. This is Tommy, after all... He like's making an entrance onto other people's streams....

"Hey Tommy. How are you?" I asked casually

"I'm- uhh.... Yeah. I'm well." He replied "What about you?"

I nodded my characters head. "I'm doing pretty good as well"

We both stared at each other for a few moments, unable to think of a conversation topic. So, I decided to sprinkle a bit of lore in my last hour.

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now