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"and... done! I'm finally fucking done...!" I let out a long exhale afterwards, leaning back in my chair once more

I just finished editing a Dream SMP stream I did on my twitch. After many days editing it, I was able to complete it to the best of my abilities. The video itself was an okay length, about 13 minutes of the good stuff that happen during my first day on the SMP.

...Though I'm not sure if I wanted to upload it or not.... Maybe, but then again- I'm not really sure.

"Niceee....! I'm proud of you, Y/N!" Luca says

"Wow, you finally talk... Amazing..." Aiden murmurs

Oh- yeah. I forgot. I was also in a call with these idiots. Lol.

"Why do you sound tired, dumb fuck?" I asked Aiden

"Dumb fuck? Who are you calling a dumb fuck?? You're the one who's a dumb fuck!"

"Aight- sure. Go with that one chief." I say, taking a sip of my iced coffee

"Anyways, can you show me the video?? I only started watching your streams, so I wasn't there for the first few..." Luca says

"Yeah, yeah.. sure. But that's only when the rendering is done. It says it will finish rendering in about... ten minutes" I reply, grabbing my paper refill and pen, ready to start writing the outline of the next VOD editing 

"Yesss!! I'm so excited..!" Luca cheered "---anyway... Is this your first time editing?"

"Yeah... it is..." I answered quietly

"Did you only start doing it because of your new...friends?" Aiden questions "You said before that editing didn't interest you in the slightest"

"Uhh--- I mean... haha, I guess they were a bit of an influence...?" I mumbled

What am I saying, of course they were a big influence. Though, I only really got the push when I realized the amount of VOD's I'll be losing.

And-- I'm not sure if It'd be okay to call them my friends... I haven't spoken to any of them on a personal level.... we're only just beneficial content creators to eachother... or- at least that's how I see it in my eyes...

"Well, good on you for picking up new hobbies! Really, I'm actually excited to watch it! We're the first people you'll be showing, right?" Luca asks

"Yep. Pretty much. Feel lucky~" I say in a joking tone, grinning widely

Though, I am slightly nervous about this... All since this is my first time editing. So, I don't really know if what I did was even at a good standard. I know it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't to an expectation I'd like it do be.

"Ohhh...! Also, on youtube, Y/N-- I got recommended a clips video of you and Tommy!" Luca randomly brings up

"wait- really? That's actually a thing?" I say, a little surprised

"Yeahhh! I honestly found it pretty cute! You two talk so casually with each other-- and not to mention the things he said about you when you weren't in calls..." Luca trailed off

"What did he say?" I asked, curious

I haven't watched any of his streams lately, so I'm pretty in the dark about any details...

"Does it really matter what he said?" Aiden spoke up

"IT DOES MATTER WHAT HE SAID!! Aiden! Don't you get it?, Tommy is a big content creator saying nice things about our best friend! That doesn't happen everyday!" Luca stated

"He said nice things about me?" I questioned

"Mmmhhnmm!!" Luca let out a joyful hum "Hold on- hold on! Lemme fine it and send it to you real quick"

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