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Today, I decided not to stream. I got a little tired of doing so constantly, so I took a break and just played on the server doing some tasks.

Which brings me to why I'm standing in front of Techno's house today.

He told me he needed to do something on the SMP, but he wanted to get an earlier sleep so that he could farm potatoes in the morning and I pretty much offered to be of use.

So, I'm now here.

But- really. It took a bit of convincing on my part, Techno wasn't actually willing at first since he thought it was quite rude, but in the end he seemed to be okay with me doing this task... 

All because Technoblade wanted to farm potatoes...

I'm almost surprised that the whole potato thing is going... He makes millions a day, yet he still is being extra cautious when it comes to his potato king crown.

I cleared my head, getting rid of those needless thoughts.

"As long as I finish up with my tasks, I should be able to do other things afterwards...."

So- I'll quickly get this delivery over with.

I was about to open the door to Technoblade's cabin, but before I was able to open the door, Ghostbur opened it up first.

The encounter did kinda surprise me, I didn't expect him to be behind the door... But- I guess he does kinda spend most of his time near Tommy and Techno as of late.

His usual minecraft skin was shown on his character... his light grey skin allowed for the rest of him to stand out in color. His black eyes, and brownish-gray hair--- and especially his yellow sweater!

Such a happy color his sweater is, suits his character perfectly.

WilburSoot whispered to you: Hello, Y/N! You're here for Tommy, right?
You whisper to WilburSoot: no :p
You whisper to WilburSoot: came to make a delivery
WilburSoot whispered to you: Well, he's downstairs if you have to talk to him
You whisper to WilburSoot: kk, thanks Wilbur o7

I mean- It'd be better if I give this to Tommy. It makes a bit of sense to do so since Technoblade needed these specifically for him.... plus, putting it in a chest will have it taken away sooner or later by some mysterious person.

I walked past Wilbur and went downstairs, breaking the sealed area to Tommy's mini room under Techno's basement with my pickaxe. I saw Tommy standing in the corner, spamming the prime bell. I checked discord out of habit and I ended up joining Tommy's VC.

"Ello man child!!" I greeted, walking up behind Tommy's character and jump critting him with my fist

"Wha-!? Y/N? What the fuck are you doing here?" Tommy questioned me, turning around to face me in game

"I'm your guy's new food supplier" I answered

Yes. Techno pretty much asked me to collect food for Tommy and him.
I didn't mind, of course. I didn't have much else to do on the server anyways other than lore. And-- doing lore 24/7 is actually quite boring. So, it was nice to strike up this deal in the first place.

But even with this deal-- it still was apart of the lore to some extent.
I'm now their local food supplier. Pog.

"You have food?" Tommy questions, a little more interested now

"Uhh- yeah?" I say, tossing him a few stacks of various types of food. All ranging from cooked steak and chicken to bread and pumpkin pies

"Wha...? WHA--- HOLY---!!! Y/N!!, how much time do you spend on the server?" Tommy asks out of curiosity, scrolling through his now full hot bar supplied with food

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