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What a boring place to be...

Honestly- I never thought I'd ever find myself being stuck here.

Why was I in detention? It was a complete misunderstanding actually....

I was in the devils lair (Math class) and Aiden was passing notes to me. I tried my best to ignore him, tossing away his notes and such... But during when I tossed probably the fifth or sixth note he gave me, our math teacher got in the way of the paper and threw our asses straight to detention.

Not a fun day this has been... And my day will get worse once my parents learnt about it...
--Time to get home early and erase the voice mails!
(and yes it was as easy as that)

The entire place was just as I expected from a school like mine.

Nothing was clean, nothing seemed to be clean. Filth was pretty much a badge of honor here. No teacher was present to keep us in check... So the lot of the other students in here were either talking, on their phones, ditching or making out in the closet/corner.

I felt gross just breathing in such a room....

"You know we can just ditch too" Aiden told me straight up.

"Ehh... I don't really want to piss off Mr. Collins more than we already have. Leaving detention will only get us extra paper work... and he'll fail us for sure" I mutter.

"It's not like that matters... You can just pay off the school to give you a pass. Easy as that" Aiden pointed out.

"My family isn't that rich, Aiden. And I'm not like the rest of the people here at this school... I actually have standards..." I said.

"You're not rich? Aren't you practically rolling in that twitch cash right now?" Aiden asked, a little bit of attitude in his voice "How much do you make every stream? A few hundreds? A few thousands?"

"...I'm not bribing my school with the money I earn from streaming, Aiden. That's actually disgusting..." I stated.

"You're calling my methods disgusting?" Aiden questions.

"Yes. Yes I am. It's wrong AND it's illegal"

"So what?"

"Excuse me?"

"So what if it's illegal? Aren't you even a little bit worried?" Aiden asks "This school is so prestigious that they only let the best of the best leave and graduate. Failing one class can lead to your expulsion. Are you really willing to keep by the law just so that you're not seen committing a crime?"

"Look Aiden- I just don't think it's right. That's all..."

"Popular opinion you have...! You really are on such a high beloved popularity scale"

"Oh yeahhh. That's righttt... So what? Jealous?" I say, jokingly.

"And what if I am, Y/N?" Aiden responded.

"Huh?" I was a bit surprised. I didn't expect him to respond like that. "What is up with you today, Aiden? Seriously...? What the hell is up with you... This isn't like you at all"

"You're actually fucking selfish, Y/N!!"

At Aiden's outburst, the whole room went dead silent. Everyone was staring at us. Everyone was paying attention to us.

...I started to feel a bit anxious.

"What happen to you, Y/N? Where's the person that didn't care about anything done or said?! You've changed. You actually fucking changed. I can't believe you changed because you're flirting with some dickhead you met on the internet!"

"....Aiden. Shut up"


"I'm not---"

"Oh really? REALLY? Y/N. For weeks on end, you've completely stopped hanging out with me AND Luca...!! and now-- you're constantly at home trying to beg for this stupid guys attention!! You barely even call us or text us. He's on an entire different social class as us!! And yet-- AUGH!! Seriously--!! WHY DO YOU KEEP SPENDING TIME WITH HIM WHEN YOU ALREAY KNOW THAT IT WILL GO NO WHERE??"

"Aiden. I really don't know what you're talking about"

"For FUCKS SAKE Y/N!" Aiden practically screamed out "Look at what you're doing! Ever since you got into that stupid SMP, you've been straight up ignoring your best friends! You left us for popularity. YOU'RE JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE"

"...You're wrong... I'm not like everyone else... I'm not..."

"Yes you are Y/N! You're doing it for popularity. You're doing it for the money! You're friends with that stupid streamer to get clout!!!" Aiden stated "You've-- YOU'VE GOTTEN EVERYTHING YOU WANTED Y/N"


"You're just sooOOOooo good at everything you do! You're good at so many things. You're literally GIVEN a ticket to become somebody else ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! You NEVER-- and I mean NEVER had to work for anything!!" Aiden exclaimed "Life just gives it to you without any care in the world! You're trying to act so righteous, talking about legal and illegal doings... You're just trying to look better for your image.... "

He's... he's wrong...
...but right at the same time.

I was able to take many shortcuts compared to others... I had more advantages compared to others... That's why I'm the way I am right now... That's how I got here so quickly...

If I didn't partake in Dream's competition, it would've taken me a lot longer to get where I am today...
If I didn't partake in Dream's competition, I would've never thought of being a streamer...
If I didn't partake in Dream's competition, I would've been there for Luca and Aiden like I usually would be...

But... All because of my selfishness.... 


No. I've done a lot for them. If I want time to myself, then I'm allowed that. If I want to have something that makes me happy- then I can have it. Aiden just doesn't like the change of person I am... I've been spending time with good people, in a good crowd, that's why I changed... That's why I've... really.... really changed.

I stood up from my seat.

"I'm sorry if you feel that way. But none of it is true." I muttered, not looking at Aiden "Think of me what you will... You ALL think of me what you will... But I'm not what you say I am..... I'll take my leave now" 

After that, I left the room. I didn't care about the consequences anymore... My face felt hot and my eyes started to sting.

I was going to cry.

I rushed to the nearest bathroom, and thank god it was empty...
...I forced the bathroom door shut, heading over to the sink to look at myself in the mirror.

"Look at me... I'm actually fucking pathetic"

I washed my face quickly, trying to cool myself down.

What does Aiden know anyway?
He doesn't know anything....






But the more I thought about it... The more I began to see his reasoning...
...and I saw that he was right.

I let out a huff and hung my head low, staring down at the bathroom sink.


I really wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. I was frustrated... I was so frustrated at myself.
Somehow I managed to keep calm, or at least-- I managed to not lash out.

All I did to let my anger out was to grip the sink's bowl as I bit down the inside of my cheek.

What a horrible day this has been...

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