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{Tommy's POV}

"Look, chat- Today's stream- I don't know what I'm doing! It's just a free do stream. I do what I want chat. You all know this"

At the moment I was walking through Manberg. I didn't really know why myself, I knew I wanted to do something here... But I think I've already forgotten.

Ah- oh well...

I continued to walk on the wooden paths, but stopped in my tracks when I saw some type of movement in the corner of my eye.
Upon looking up, I caught sight of Y/N's minecraft character.

"What the hell..?" I muttered "what's she doing?"

Even though it's probably none of my business, she's probably doing some of her lore before she has to leave... But, I was feeling a little bored since I didn't remember what I wanted to do in Manberg.

So, I made up my mind...

"I'm going up, chat"

I ignored my chat spamming the words 'simpinnit' and slowly made my way up the buildings and mountains. It took a while for me to get where Y/N was, but once I did- she didn't move at all. She just stood still...

Was she afk? Or....?




For some reason, even though it would be better for me to just leave and go back to do my own thing... I couldn't stop myself from just staring at her.

I'm not sure why, but with the sunset in the background and her character just standing there. It looked.... cool? I'm not sure if that's the word, but whatever.

I looked over to the discord to see that she was just sitting in a vc alone. So, I took the liberty and joined the call.

A few moments of silence filled the call. So, I decided to speak.

"...Y/N?" I said

"Yes, Tommy?" Y/N responded

"Turn around" I say

Slowly, Y/N turned her Minecraft characters head around and we came face to face with eachother.

"Hey Tommy. How are you?" Y/N asked me

"I'm- uhh.... Yeah. I'm well." I replied "What about you?"

Y/N nodded her characters head. "I'm doing pretty good as well"

We both stared at each other for a few moments. 

What's with this? Why do things feel more awkward than normal?
I don't get it.

What's so different from before?

"Tommy, can I ask you a question?" Y/N spoke up

"Uh-- yeah, yeah. Sure. What is it?" I said, a bit unsure

The call was silent for a few moments.

I was waiting for Y/N to speak. And when she did....

"What do you fear the most?"

...I was a little surprised.

"Wh-what's this about?" I snapped back almost instantly "Why ask something like that?"

"Give me an answer, Tommy" Y/N said more sternly

...So, she wants to do lore right now? Strange timing, but I guess I'll comply...

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now