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We spent ages thinking about what to do for our project.

This project was the same as the last one... But we kinda had to mash them together into a video essay- thing...? I dunno, it's still confusing to me. Actually- a better way of explaining it is that we had to find something we both share an interest in and then do a video essay on that.

I should've just said it like that-- ehh...

By the time we figured out what to do, we started planning out how the video should be put together. Formatting is always best.

Motherinnit came in a little while afterward to drop off the toast spread with honey and butter. It looked pretty clean and neat of pieces of toast, which impressed me more and more about Tommy's mother. 'Who knew she was a clean cook...'

I was chowing down on the toast- quite a lot was made, and after my third or forth piece-I noticed Tommy hadn't eaten a single one.
He seemed to be focused looking down at the notebook we were sharing.

The two of us were sitting right besides eachother on the floor besides Tom's bed. The notebook was between the two of us, while the plate with the toast was on more of my side than his.

'He was the one who suggested having toast in the first place. It'd be rude not to share'

I picked up a piece of toast and turned my body to face Tommy more.

"Want some honey?" I asked him.

He seemed to freeze for a moment, then snapping his gaze from the notebook to me.
"Wha- what?"

"The honey on toast." I say, gesturing to the slice in my hand, "Do you want some..?"

"O-oh- uhh... no thanks" He mutters, averting his gaze from me with slightly redden cheeks.

I was confused for a quick moment, before realizing why Tommy acted the way he did just then.
Me and my stupid mouth- I don't think and phrase before I speak. But even then, I found the situation a little amusing.

"...Tommy, did you think I was calling you 'honey'?" I began to tease, grinning at the thought.

"What?? Fuck no-!" He stated, raising his voice more than he should've.

"Y'know... I wouldn't ever call someone 'honey' in a romantic sense. It just seems too weird." I shrugged off, "I'd rather call someone by their name..."

"You don't call me by my name"

I rolled my eyes.
"Isn't Tommy enough for you? Would you really rather me call you 'Tom' or 'Thomas' or--- 'Tomathy'."

"Anything but Tomathy"

"Aight- Living Tombstone it is"


I begin to laugh again at his reaction.

I always loved Tommy's overreactions to things and situations. They really made my day.

After a while of us just chatting and completely forgetting about our project at hand, Tommy's phone goes off. He goes to check, and upon doing so his eyes widen.

"Oh fuck-"

Tommy then stands up from where he was sitting and rushed over to his computer set-up.
My eyes followed his figure. 

"Hmm? What's wrong?" I questioned.

"I forgot I had to stream night." He then sits down in his gaming chair and slides his headset on before turning to face me. "Do you mind me streaming for at least an hour before we get back to the project?"

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now