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I was out and about in the nether like I usually was. But- not doing anything necessarily important, I was just taking Leg's 4 Days out on their daily walk.

My pet never skips leg day.

Though, by the time I got home with my legful friend, I saw someone walking around outside my house. I didn't expect any visitors today, so this came as a bit of a surprise to me.

I stopped in place and whispered to the person in front of my house.

You whisper to Tommyinnit: Tf are you doing here Tommy?
Tommyinnit whispers to you: UHHHHHH
Tommyinnit whispers to you: Vc??
You whisper to Tommyinnit: k

I then joined a vc in the Dream SMP discord and awaited for Tommy to join.




"Heyyy Y/N!" Tommy's cheerful energetic voice greeted me.

God- I love hearing his voice--

"Ello there big man!" I greeted "how are you doing?"

"Good, good." Tommy responds "You?"

"I'm doing well" I reply, an unknowing smile appearing on my face "Anyway- what are you doing in my house?"

"Just came to visit" Tommy briefly said.

"That it?" I asked.

"...And to ask something" Tommy continued on.

"And what could that be?" I questioned, leaning closer to my monitor in curiosity of the blondes next words.

"You've- You've heard about what's going to happen to Dream, right?" Tommy asked me.

Ohhhh..... okay. I understand now... He wants to do lore.
But- right now without even talking about it?

I'm not really sure how to improv this... But- let's give it a try...

"That he's going to be locked up in prison?" I say "Yeah, I heard all about it from a little birdy called; Twitter. Kept shouting at me all day"

"AHha- hA- Yeah- yeah- me too, me too." Tommy chuckled.

"But... uhh- Prison? I get that Dream's done a lot wrong but-"

"What? Are you siding with him now?"

"huh? no-"

"Then there's nothing wrong with locking him up?!"

While for lore purposes it is true that Dream deserves to be locked up. There actually was a time in the SMP's lore where you could look at Dream and actually say he was one of the 'good guys'.

Hell- if you look at Dream's character right now in a certain way- for example: seeing that he's just trying to reset the server to what it once was before all chaos and war.... Then Dream kinda is an apparent 'good guy'- minus the facts that he basically mentally damaged a child...

"...yeah, I guess you're right." I muttered.

I then started to walk further into the house, bringing my strider inside with me. I paused for a moment to open some chests to find some resources.

Tommy lets out a bit of a chuckle and I took notice to his character entering my peripheral vision, yet being barely seen on screen.

"Leg's 4 Days" Tommy says, voice low yet seeming to be stern- for some reason.

I exited the chest menu to see Tommy staring down at Leg's the stider. The two were staring at each other-- oh I could only imagine how it looked on Tommy's screen...

"This strider saved your life, remember? When Dream came after you that one time" I mentioned.

"Yeah- I remember. I mean-- how could I forget that? I thought I was going to die" Tommy responded with.

"Uh huh, yet your thoughts were wrong... now you're here, still standing, still breathing, still very much alive" I say.

Tommy chuckles.
"That I am... All thanks to you"

"Oh god-- like- It's hard to believe that what happen then wasn't even that long ago..." I brought up "...How time flies"

"...yeah" Tommy mutters.

There was silence between the two of us for a few moments. We just stared at each other. I was waiting for him to talk more, but I guess he was waiting for me to speak..?

Uhhh.... conversation topics--- uhhhHHHHH---

"Hey, Tommy..." I finally decided to speak up "Do you ever wish you had more time?"

"Hmm?" Tommy hummed in reply, a little confused about my question.

"You only have so long to do things, and.. uhh... Just- just answer the question Tommy" I mutter.

"Well... uhh... lemme think..." Tommy says.

Silence drifted in the air once more. 

I was curious about what Tommy would reply with, but I think I know the answer already.
Everyone in the world wants a bit more time, everyone does... But- It's not like we all can have time.

"Yeah, I guess so" Tommy answers "Why even bring it up?"

"Eh... It was just a passing thought" I said, making an excuse.

If it was for my characters lore, or if it was for my own personal curiosities, I didn't know. All I knew was that I was somewhat glad he answered what he did... since the smile on my face grew wider.

Personally, I would love more time...
...but life is short and you can't do everything you want sometimes.

Suddenly, my phone began to ring. Picking it up, I noticed Aiden was calling me once again.
Though instead of answering, I declined the call and sent him a quick message that I was in the middle of something and that I'd call later.

All while I did this, I could hear Tommy laughing.

"Is that your phone going off?" Tommy asked.

"Uhh-- yeah, sorry about that" I say, putting my phone back down on my desk "Anyways... Is that pretty much all you needed to talk about with me? Because I think that's pretty much all..."

"Why does it seem like you're trying to get rid of me?" Tommy questions.

"I- wha- it's nothing like that Tommy!" I stated "I just don't really see a need for you being here since you seem to be done with business here..."

"Come on, let's just hang out then. Now that Dream's being put in prison- we can hang out in Manberg!" Tommy tells me excitedly.

I was a little confused with his sudden want to hang out with me, but at this point.. it just kinda seemed normal.

"Uhhh... okay then! Let's go to Manberg after I put Leg's 4 Days back in their enclosure" I tell him.

And- I went to do just that. Afterwards, I hung out with Tommy-- longer than expected really.
Somehow, we ended up streaming for over 5 hours. It was just us talking and spending time together. I was almost surprised to see people still watching the streams...

A little part of me wished our time together could go on and on... But, my time here will soon be up. And I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now