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A few more days pass- and you know what that means---

Yeah- nothing much actually.

Another day of streaming.... I'm married to the grind now- Don't tell Tommy.

I only just started my stream, saying introductions and reading chat a bit while I open up Minecraft.

"Today... Honestly, I'm not sure exactly what I want to do.... Though, luckily I have a checklist I need to get through, so stream won't be entirely nothing" I say

But, upon logging onto the server, I saw that I was where I was last time. In my house.
Though... something seemed a little different.

I think some things moved... and something was added....

"...hmmm. I wonder..."

I began to search around to see what changed in my house. And after searching a while, I found a chest in the corner that wasn't there before.

Walking closer to inspect the chest, it had the sign 'invitation' on the front of it. Opening the chest, I found a book inside named 'party invitation'.

"Someone's having a party?" I quizzed

Placing the book in my inventory, I exited the chest menu and started reading the book.


Hello Y/N!

This is an official invite to Tommyinnit's Beach Party! Fun times will be had! Fun! FUN!

Starts: 10th December 3:30 PM EST
Location: Logstedshire

Hope to see you there!


"Oh... Tommy's hosting a party?--- wait. When is that?" I questioned

I searched it up on google, getting onto the Savvy Time website to convert the hours. Upon doing so, I saw the time difference.

"That's today.... That's like- in 10 minutes..." The realization hit me

I closed my tab and went back onto Minecraft. I pressed tab to see who was on. And surprisingly... There weren't many people on.

Unlike normal huge events... Everyone would be on. But- in this case... The usual amount of players were on right now. 

"What do you say chat? Should we go and check it out?" I asked

Everyone in chat started spamming 'YES'. 

"Kay. I'll head on over now-- wait. Should I make a quick skin? Is my skin right now fine? Do I need to bring anything?"

I started to stammer a bit. I wasn't entirely sure what to do in this case.

Chat began to tell me to bake a cake or two. Some other people told me to change my skin.

"Okay- chat- Is anyone able to just get my skin and paste a swimsuit on? I have to look and get ingredients for the cakes. If not, that's fine" I say

Some people in chat said they'd do it... so- there's one less thing to deal with.

Hurriedly, I searched my chests to find the items needed to craft a cake. 

"Oh MY GOD- I need to sort out my chests..!!!" I let out an annoyed huff

I was actually in a panic. I was going to speedrun making a cake. This is why I am panicking right now- and I don't think that's healthy.

It took me about 4 minutes, but I was able to find the needed resources. Soon after I ended up crafting about 3 cakes. 

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now