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After getting back to class, we spent the rest of our time here. Nothing really important really happened other than at the end of class when our teacher give us our results in envelopes.

Like- holy hell, that was fast... o_o

But other than that, nothing else really happened in the in-between.

After class everyone left in a rush, checking their results out in the corridors. Noticing everyone else doing this, I kinda wanted to check mine and Tom's results too.

I clasped the envelope in my hand, examining it. A perfectly smooth yellowish white envelope with no type of seal in sight, the envelope was probably closed via saliva.

Might need to be careful where I place my hand after opening it...

I was about to open it, but then saw stopped once I saw a hand being placed over mine.
The instance surprised me for a moment, but I shortly calmed down at the familiarity of the presence before me.

"..Hmm, yes?" I stared up at the individual, noticing it was Tommy.

"How about we wait until we check our results?" Tom suggests to me.

I curiously raised an eyebrow.
"Huh? Why?"

We finally get our results and he wants to wait?

He is sooo planning something...

"I- I dunno... I just kinda want to do something... cool! epic..! Like, maybe streaming our reactions ..live?" He says pretty timidly.

...and there it is--

I let out a soundless sigh.
"...you want us to go live?"

His eyes began to dart.
"Well- more like... I want you to come over to my house and join my stream so we can see the results... together." 


He then subtracts his hand away from mine, placing it timidly behind his neck.
"I know you might not be up for it-- You just got back to getting use to being in a stream, so I understand if you don't want to--"

"No, no... I'll be more than happy to."

Tom pauses for a moment, surprised at my response.

"wait- really?"

I shrugged.
"If it means so much to you, I'm willing to put aside my petty differences."

Tommy frowns.
"Y/N, you don't have to do it for my sake-"

"It's not like I'm only doing it for your sake..." I stated, "I want to start letting go past regrets. It's started with Aiden, and now this whole... streaming conundrum is next."

I want to change. 

I've been a little extra these past few months, not wanting to stream because it made me uncomfortable-- saying that it didn't feel right to befriend Tommy and the rest of the SMP members...  Not wanting to deal with any of the stresses of such sudden "fame" and "popularity"... and other stupid excuses I made for myself.

Everything happened so suddenly, and I think I was overwhelmed.

But now... Streaming with Tommy again made all those nerves just... wash away. I learnt how to act and be normal in front of a... metaphorical camera... I learnt how to talk with people not of my- erm... quote on quote: "Status".

I think now... I'm fine.

"..so, date? time?" I asked him.

Tommy suddenly snapped out of his apparently dazed state.
"wha- Date? uh... time?"

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now