7. Meet the Priors

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Tobias p.o.v

The thing about being slammed into a stone wall a dozen times and over, is that the morning after, it feels somewhat like a hangover. My head is pounding and my shoulders ache from the repetitive impact. I rush out of bed and into the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach, mostly acid bile as, believe it or not, Marcus did not allow me any dinner last night.  I get up and wash my face with cold water, a miserable attempt to soothe the headache I'm enduring at the moment. My face is a marvelous work of art. Purple bags embrace my bloodshot eyes and my face is whiter than papesr I write on. Handsome. I wonder if Marcus will let me have breakfast, lack of food isn't really helping my headache. I walk downstairs, holding onto the staircase railing for balance. 

'Woah there buddy, you're swinging. You alright?' Any other day I would've been happy to hear my uncle's voice but right now I just need him to shut up. For some reason in that moment I seem to think that a hoarse groan will deliver the message.

'Seriously Tobias what happened?' I know that Will is aware of how my father treats me, but I won't tell him about last night. Partially because I don't want to admit to having ignoranlty ignored his advice and partially because, well he's Will. And the Will I know would probably march up to my father and start arguing with him. He'd probablyget himself kicked out and I'd probably be punished again. So in reality, I'm helping myself by not telling him.

'Nothing, I'm fine Will, I just uh have a headache, I get these all the time' A little white lie never hurt anybody, well except me.

He doesn't look like he believes me, but he doesn't question me further. 

'Well in that case, here have some painkillers. You don't want to still be sick when we have dinner with the Priors tonight'. The Priors? Who are the Priors?

He must've seen the look of confusion on my face, because he proceeded to explain who the mystery family was.

'They moved here about two days ago, Bass. The father, I think his name is Aaron, works with Marcus in the office. I think he's got two kids about two years younger than you, not twins though. Oh yeah and his wife Natalie works in the public services block, you know the one near the bakery.' I know the place, I see it every time I go to old John's on an errand for my father. Speak of the devil and he shall come. Marcus appears walking out of the kitchen with a piece of toast in his hand and a mug of coffee in the other. He sees me eyeing the food and glares at me.

'Don't even think about it' I nod solemly and walk back upstairs to take a shower. If I can't eat, I may as well wash out the blood from my hair.

Beatrice p.o.v

Cardboard boxes fill my room. It's kind of funny realy, they look like tetris blocks with all their different labels. My brother's room has already been cleared and sorted. I ,however, am taking my precious time in unpacking. Time to get out of bed. I smell breakfast so the others are probably up too.

'Good morning Beatrice' My mother smiles at me and hands me a plate of breakfast filled with pancakes and bacon.

'Good morning mom, good morning dad'

My father looks up from the newspaper and smiles at me gently.

'Good morning dear. Listen, Beatrice, have you unpacked an outfit for tonight?'

Oh that's right. Tonight we're dining with the Eatons. My father works with Marcus Eaton who, just yesterday morning came to help us unload the trucks. My dad says he lives with his son, Tobias and his brother William. His wife, unfortunately died in a car accident about five years ago. Tobias, I think, is two years older than Caleb and I.

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