20. Be Brave Tobias

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*A few days later*

Tris p.o.v.

Never in my life have I wanted so desperately to be wrong. Never in my life have I had so much hatred directed at a single person.

Ever since that night, Tobias and I have gotten much closer. We walk home together everyday and sit next to each other at lunch. We haven't been out on a real date yet, now that I know his...situation... I realize just how difficult it's going to be for him to leave the house unnoticed. I have become more observant. I've started noticing how he limps slightly and how it takes him an extra moment to get up and sit down. So many things that I would have normally overlooked.

I wait for Tobias at our table in the cafeteria. Christina is talking to me about some new dress she wanted to buy but I'm just nodding along. Suddenly she stops.


I look at her.

'What's up?'

'Nothing I... everything's fine Chris, why do you ask?' She shakes her head at me.

'Well you and I haven't talked in a while and you seem kinda spaced out. Do you wanna go out today? Like after school we could grab a coffee and just talk. Me and you? We rarely do that anymore.'

She offers me a kind smile and I feel guilty for wanting to turn her offer down.

'Or what do you say you come over to my house tonight and we can have a good ol' fashion sleepover, yeah? We can watch movies and eat popcorn, ooh and I can show you the new dress... What do you say?'

I smile and nod.

'Let me check with my parents'

'Me too'

She pulls out her phone and so do I. I decide to call mom since dad is probably busy. Besides, mom is better for these things. While I wait for her to pick up Tobias walks in and takes a seat, with some strain, next to me. He smiles at me and I return it.


'Hey mom'

'Beatrice honey, is everything alright?'

'Yeah yeah everything is fine, listen mom can I go over to Christina's house tonight, for like a sleepover?'

Tobias pulls out an apple from his bag and starts eating.

'Christina... is she the perky one who talks a lot' That, ladies and gentlemen, is how my mother classifies my friends. You wouldn't believe what she recognizes Uriah as. I chuckle.

'Yeah mom'

'Oh yeah, she's sweet. I like her. Sure you can go, if it's alright with her parents'

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