
548 4 21

Hey guys :)

Sorry for the false hope, this isn't a new chapter. But, I've been considering rewriting Eaton, giving it an alternate ending and just comppetely changing it.  Would you guys prefer:

Option A: i rewrite it but post it as a different story (it would have the editied chapters. So they stories would be the exact same till chapter 3 then one would be somethint completely different, ans the other would be the one that is currently available)

Option B: every new chapter i write replaces the old one, so by the ene the currently available story would be completely gone.

Because of school right now I barely had enough time to write this ket alone re write the actual story,  but in the occasion that I do have time to write, please tell me what youd prefer :)

I hope you have/had a nice day, over and out


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