2. Uncle Will

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-Tobias p.o.v.-

The alarm clock blaring a foot from my ear feels like a hammer pounding at my skull. I know I have to turn it off but the whole action feels so strenuous that I let it go on for a few more minutes before getting up, slowly, my hands shaking the whole time. I make my way to the bathroom and take a quick cold shower, trying my hardest to ignore the jacket of pain lodged onto my back. At least the cold will make it numb for a few minutes.

Downstairs there's no sign of my father anywhere, not that I expected him to actually stick around longer than six am. Duty calls and the selfless mayor would leave even his son to serve the city. My stomach squeezes, if he left early that means he'll return early. Which means I'll have to hurry up in getting home because he doesn't like it when I'm late. I take a deep breath and grab the plain toast I was making before heading out to school. As if this day couldn't get worse.


As much as I pray to God above on my twenty minute journey home that I was wrong this morning, or at the very least, that something came up at work, my father's sleek black car is still there when I walk up to the house. The two story monster with an eight foot long gate all around, the white facade perfectly mirroring how heavenly life inside it is. I make my way to the back door which, even in it's out of sight nook looks ridiculously expensive. The door opens with a small creak alerting my presence as I inch into the kitchen.

"Tobias?" I wince and take one last breath of fresh air before closing the door, locking myself in. I move slowly, my school bag clutched in my hands, towards the living room where Marcus sits with a cup of coffee reading some papers. He points to a spot on the other couch and I sit down, trying to hide my grimace.

"First of all, from now on I want you studying History every day. I won't have you failing it out of pure laziness." I nod. My gaze is fixed on the coffee table in front of me where some document about opening a new road sits with my father's grandiose signature at the bottom. "Second of all, tonight William will be coming over so I expect you to be on your best behaviour. No foolishness or you go straight to your room, understand?" I perk up at the mention of my uncle. Excitement springs through me at the thought of seeing him again, of talking to him again after so long.

"Yes sir" I keep my happiness as far away from my face as I can. Marcus nods and dismisses me, telling me to be ready for dinner at six. I'm grinning. My uncle visiting is the best thing that's happened to me since... well since we visited him. Memories of last time flash through my mind, music, laughter, drawing. I can't wait.

-Marcus p.o.v.-

Just to make it clear, there's a reason as to why I limit our little family reunions. Unlike myself, William has no regard for public appearances. His behaviour is atrocious, and my son idolizes him. He has no idea what a failed drunkard his uncle is.

At ten to six I call my son down. He walks into the living room with a small limp and rests by the door. I told William to be here at six, but of course, in his nature of committing every conceivable act of disrespect, he's late.

Six ten. His disregard for punctuality is infuriating.

Six fifteen. Tobias is biting his nails and glancing towards the door every other minute.

At six twenty three a car rattles up to the curb and stops with a loud clank. He's here. Tobias stands, slowly, but excited nonetheless. His entire face has lit up and he can barely contain himself when a knock sounds at the door. I give him a sharp look reminding him to behave and he drops his gaze to the floor in response.

I open the door with a scowl. My brother counters it with a grin. He stands here in a dark blue button-up, blond hair desperate for a cut in its curly disheveled state.

"You're late", I say, not letting him in just yet. His shoulders slump and his smile shrinks just the slightest.

"Sorry, I'm sorry but there was just so much traffic Marc, getting here was hell. But I mean, I'm here now" He says, out of breath.

I huff out a sigh, not caring to hide any of my aggravation, and move aside. He walks in, immediately heading for Tobias. William opens his arms wide, going for a hug but at the last second, my son flinches and lifts his hands in defense.

William stops.

"What's- Hey Bass, how've you been?"

" Fine" Tobias tries to act casual but instead just ends up doing a series of tedious movements that just fuel my irritation and-

"Let's eat. Dinner's going to get cold if we wait any longer." I walk up ahead of them into the kitchen, dishing out the meal I cooked as soon as I got home from the office. Will mutters something which makes Tobias smile as they walk in. He sets the table and we all sit down, William between Tobias and myself.

As we eat, William rambles on about how he graduated as an architect last year. I can't help but feel a swell of pride in knowing that he has a degree now. At less he's doing something with his life. My son listens with a smile as Will tells us all about how he traveled all over the country from then.
I glance at the clock, it's nearing eight thirty.

"I'm surprised to be seeing you here face to face, I figured the next time you needed a favor it would be asking me for bail money."

He rolls his eyes, Tobias's smile drops."I'm not gonna ask for money Marc. I uh-" He takes a deep breath before finally revealing the reason he wasted two hours of my life."I'm taking classes at the community college this fall to get a Masters degree, so I can get a better job. The classes are fine, as in, I can afford them but lodging is through the roof. And my apartment..." his cheery disposition comes to a pained falter. William swallows and his gaze meets mine with a second of the raw emotion he's always had in excess. I tense, and watch as it crystallizes over with renewed purpose." My apartment is too far outta town to go there and back everyday. So I was wondering if, if maybe I could live here while I get my degree? Please?"

I can't believe him. I can't believe he has the audacity to ask for something like that.

Tobias perks up, his face alight with excitement, the beginning of a smile playing on his lips. The sight is so irritating that I can't help myself-

"Go to your room, boy"

Hey everyone,

as I had said a lifetime ago I'm rewriting the story. Here's the second chapter. I hope you all like it. I probably wont be able to write again for a long time so till then peace out.

also shoutout to @Bluejojo135 she is a brilliant writer and an insanely awesome person. :)


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