8. Getting to know Beatrice

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Marcus p.o.v

'And finally, I'll ask you to mind your own business in the future, William. This is my house and as long as you live here you will abide by my rules, which last time I checked, clearly do not allow you to get in my way when it comes to disciplining Tobias.' I hope he understands that he has no right to do what he did yesterday and that the message got through, I mean, we've been talking for a whole hour for God's sake, it should have been effective enough.

'Are you done?'

'Excuse me?!' It was not effective enough.

'I said, Are you done, because if you're not, please tell me. I'll get myself a coffee and a seat'

'William, I mean it, you will not interfere again, or I swear, I will unleash hell on that child next time, and you along with him.

'Ya aha ok, so I take it that now you're done'

Jesus Christ!

'Yes fine I'm done you can go'

Tobias p.o.v

I've been standing outside the kitchen for almost an hour now. Originally I came here with the intention of making some tea but then I heard voices coming from the kitchen and well to put it simply, my curiosity got the best of me.  I will unleash hell on that child...  My stomach flips. 

After a few more minutes of mumbling, my uncle leaves the room and I finally walk in. Still wary of my father, I don't wait for the kettle to boil. Instead I take a simple piece of toast and head to school.

Tris p.o.v

My brother takes off shortly after we arrive at the school gate.

'Call me if you need anything. Oh at meet me near that flag pole over there at three 'clock Beatrice so we can walk home together.'

I just nod and decide to take things slow since, technically, it's my first day. The school is reasonably large with kids everywhere. I walk inside and keep going straight to the office, may as well get my schedule. 

Locker 14, okay where the hell is that. I start walking down endless corridors, getting nowhere closer to finding my locker until finally I spot that Tobias guy from yesterday. Maybe he can help me

'Uh hey, Tobias? ' He nods with a small smile.' I'm really sorry to bother you but, uh, do you think you could show me the way to my locker, please?'

'Yeah, sure, let me see number fourteen, uh okay follow me' He guides me through several corridors and finally we get to the locker section. Fourteen here we are, do you know where your first class because I can um show you before I go to mine.' I don't want to keep him waiting, it would be selfish of me to make him late for his class just so he can take me to mine. My parents have raised me to be selfless so this would go against about three or four of their encouragements (they refuse to call them rules.) 'Thank you Tobias, but I think I can handle it, wouldn't want you to be late for class'  He nods and leaves.Okay first lesson, Math with Mr Ryes, Room 204, that shouldn't be far.

It was on the other side of the school. Naturally I arrived there late but since I'm new I was let off with a firm warning. The only seat left was near a tall, dark girl who was holding out her math book in a way which covered her lap, where she was texting someone. I realized later that it was a blonde boy across the room because he would occasionally look at his crotch and smile. The lesson was, as always, uneventful and as soon as the bell rang everybody got up and started leaving. I had science next and I was told the teacher is quite strict. Andbutso not wanting to make a bad impression on the first day, I turned to the girl next to me and asked for help.

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