16. Lunch Trials

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Tobias p.o.v.

I've messed up. Tris won't look or talk to me and it's all my fault. The car ride was as awkward as ever with Caleb sat between Tris and I. When we get there, Marcus greets us with a smile. Lunch is dreadfully slow with my father being his charismatic self and me keeping my head down. Unlike last time, I was not spoken to during the meal, except to clear up at the end.

'Tobias, son, could you clear up the table, so that I could carry on speaking with the Priors?' My father asked with a smile.

'Yes, sir'

'I'll help.' Caleb stands up and starts to stack plates. I force a smile and nod a 'Thank you' to him.

'Beatrice? Would you like to give a hand?' The adults have left to go to the living room and the only person who still sits at the table is Tris. She rolls her eyes at Caleb's patronizing tone but gets up nonetheless. I take everything to the sink and start washing and soon enough we are repeating the actions of the night before. I wash, Tris wipes and Caleb stores. However, this time we also have a hostile silence between us.

When we're done, I move towards Tris. I need to talk to her, I can't have her hating me.

'Tris can we uh talk?'

She turns around, a slight glare in her eyes.

'What do you want?' I don't know why her tone surprises me. I knew she was angry. I guess it's because I thought she liked me. I let myself think that I was, for a second, likable.

But even right now. When she is looking at me with anger in her eyes, with her fists clenched and her blonde hair tucked behind her ears, she is gorgeous. It's her captivating beauty, hand in hand with her anger that make it hard to talk.

'I...uh...I wanted to apologize for earlier'

Tris p.o.v

'I don't want you to apologize, I want you to tell me the truth!'

His eyes are nervous. Even now, when I am angry at him, I can't help but stare into their beauty, his beauty.

He rubs the back of his neck,'I did tell you the truth. I tripped over my shoes and hit the table.' I glare at him. I know he's lying... why can't he just tell me the truth?

'Please Tris, can't we just let it go?'

I feel heat rushing to my veins and my impatience level soar.

'WHY WON'T YOU JUST TELL ME?!' I yell, my fists clenched. His eyes widen at my voice and a wave of fear washes over him. Although it quickly dissolves into anger. 'BECAUSE I CAN'T TELL YOU!'

'Why not?' I soften my voice and unclench my fists. Maybe if I try being softer with him he'll tell me. Well that and I hate being the recipient of his anger. I've never liked it when people shouted at me, he's no exception. His expression softens too.

'I...I just can't'. Why did I bother with giving him a chance? I put on my coldest face.

'Then don't speak to me until you do'

'Tris, wait-'

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