11. The Ball

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Beatrice p.o.v

It has been exactly 3 months two days and 5 hours since the fight here and I have only spoken to Tobias once since. I needed desperately to know where the bathroom in his house was. Before I moved here, I used to go to an all girls school. The only boy I would talk to was my brother and this weird neighbour we had. Now that I'm here though, I have a bunch of guy friends, Will, Uriah, Zeke and (I should hope) Tobias. I've never really dated anyone or even come close to it. 

So, when my father anounces that the Annual Ball held by the council is in a matter of days and we need a compagnion for it, start to panic. My brother has already asked one of his friends to come, I think her name is Susan. Who will I ask? Zeke likes Shauna and Christina likes Will. I can't possibly ask Tobias, he's probably already asked someone to go with him. I don't know what to do.

Tobias p.o.v

'Tobias, come downstairs' Marcus calls me to his office. On my way there I try to see what I could have possibly done wrong. It's too early to start dinner, my bed is made, I did all my homework... What does he want? 

I approach his office and knock, never enter without permission. I learnt that lesson years ago. 

'Come in'

I walk inside and stand behind the chair opposite his desk, don't sit. Another lesson well learnt.

'Sit down Tobias, you might be here while.'

His voice is calm in a way that makes me think that I'm not in trouble. Don't get me wrong, it's not like every time my father and I have interacted it was because he wanted to punish me. Just the majority.

I sit down and wait for him to start.

'Listen, next Saturday we have to attend the Annual Ball, remember that?' I nod recalling the event.

'Will's taking Cara and I'm going with the social affairs leader, Johanna; we have some things to discuss. Who are you going to go with?'

I hadn't really thought of anyone yet. I'm surprised I was invited this year, last year I had stayed home during the event. 

'I haven't anyone in mind, sir'

'What about Beatrice then? Andrew told me yesterday that she hasn't a companion?'

I nod and he dismisses me. I realize I don't really have a choice in whether I want to go with Beatrice or not. Honestly I'm just glad it's her. My father controls every single thing I do, at least this time it turned out for the best. 

 *A few hours later*

I stand infront of the mirror in the hallway with an undone tie around my neck. As I start to fold the piece of clothing my mind wanders back to the time when I first learned how to do it. It was long ago, so long my mother was still alive. 


I stand outside the bathroom door knocking softly, the sound almost non existent. An undone tie was hanging around my neck. 

'Mom?' Nothing.

I knocked again. She was my only hope. I didn't know how to do it and I certainly wasn't going to ask Marcus.

'Mom? Please mom' 


I froze. I inched around to face my father.

'Go on then, answer me!'

'I was uh- I needed mom to... I don't know how to do my tie, sir' I kept my head down, waiting for a long speech about how useless I was and how I could never get anything done. Instead though he raises an eyebrow and presses his lips into a line. He looks annoyed, as usual, but there's also a hint of pity in his eyes.

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